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New Dr Who Trailer

Started by Tjm86, 20 September, 2018, 09:12:29 PM

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Quote from: Tiplodocus on 21 September, 2018, 11:27:51 AM
I'm sick and tired of that Cullen dickfer showing up as recommended after I watch anything genre based that has a hint of diversity/equality. The thumbnail and titles are enough to put me off. Feck knows how much I would get if I actually clicked on one of his vids while logged in.

It ain't good,  I'll tell you that much.

Steve Green

Not heard of him thankfully, but it definitely seems like the youtube algorithms skew suggested content towards these sort of videos.


Back on topic... i recall quite liking Capaldi's last season so it was annoying to have him move on. However, that trailer looked like New Who but also different. So that's good. I hope.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 21 September, 2018, 09:54:31 AM
decision to shoe-horn in three companions, thereby presumably reducing the Doctor's screen time somewhat. (As for the earlier comment about approach, that always changes. But also I get the sense many people are sick of the Doctor's overly authoritarian approach over the past two generations, and so could do with that being toned down a bit.)

TBH this was the bit that got me most, the relationship between the companions and the Doctor.  I can appreciate the point about the authoritarianism of the last few regenerations, Capaldi in particular, but at the same time I do wonder if this is a bit of a setup for Whittaker.

Would a transition from domineering to relational be such an issue if this was between two male regenerations?  Would a Doctor that was so willing to engage with companions as equals be such an issue if it is a male doctor? 

For me this is the most powerful aspect of this decision.  It foregrounds assumptions about control and authority and how they relate to authority, how we respond to direction from certain individuals depending on their gender.  Ultimately it throws up perceptions of control and authority. How do we define 'authoritarian' and how is our understanding affected by the gender of the individual in control.

I wonder if this is worth reflecting on in terms of the characters that inhabit the worlds of the publication we support.  How do we receive the portrayal of Hershey for instance as opposed to Dredd?  How does her performance compare to the Chief Judges that have gone before her?  What about Durham Red, Naimh, Anderson?  Let's face it, Halo Jones stood out because of her gender.  Was Sam Slade's failure because she looked too much like her forebears ?

Professor Bear

Quote from: Tiplodocus on 21 September, 2018, 11:27:51 AM
I'm sick and tired of that Cullen dickfer showing up as recommended after I watch anything genre based that has a hint of diversity/equality. The thumbnail and titles are enough to put me off. Feck knows how much I would get if I actually clicked on one of his vids while logged in.

Click on the three dots on the top right corner of the thumbnail to bring up the mini menu for that vid, then choose "not interested", which will stop the video ever turning up again in your recs, but then pick "tell us why" and select "I am not interested in this channel" and that will ensure you never get any of his other vids showing up, either.

YT is a great place for content, but you have to take a personal hand in making sure turds stay out of your recs - I know people like to read sinister Nazi-recruiting/conservative propagandising reasons into the Youtube recs algorithm, but it's not designed to judge the content, only its broad relevance to your past interests.


Cheers Prof. I tend to watch on telly so that's not quite so easy but I will give it a go.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!


I agree with tjm about the number of companions -maybe they weren't confident enough that a female doctor can carry it alone. I have always felt that the 'multi-companion' phases have been the weakest - Harry Sullivan, Turlough, Nissa, Adric, Mickey - it's always best when it's one on one, and the Doctor HAS to be the strong, driving force.

Also, if it does turn out to be a bit shit, it's going to be so hard to say so without validating all those tosspots who have already decided that its part of of the ZOG globalist feminazi conspiracy.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

I already miss the old days, when you could criticise Doctor Who, online, without any backlash.
You may quote me on that.


Quote from: Mister Pops on 22 September, 2018, 01:52:51 AM
I already miss the old days, when you could criticise Doctor Who, online, without any backlash.



Quote from: Steve Green on 20 September, 2018, 10:01:09 PM
One thing I really don't agree with is the switch to a wider aspect ratio.

The argument they've given is to make it look more 'cinematic' - but it's a TV show.

Even for a cinematography nerd like me, it feels a bit unnecessary, like they're a bit ashamed of it.

Yes I'm with you on that. It's going to be lost on my 32 inch telly. :(

There really is no need, what it results in is losing some screen real estate.

Steve Green

Yeah, I get that they want to make it look slick, different etc. but not everyone has a 60" TV, and 16:9 was settled on as a standard for a reason.

It also makes any trailers on social media even crappier since they tend to be a square format, so you're going to have to crop half of the pic.

I love the look of anamorphic lenses and that ratio for film, but I think it's serving a minority of viewers.

Bad City Blue

Quote from: TordelBack on 21 September, 2018, 09:08:28 AM
Quote from: Tjm86 on 20 September, 2018, 09:12:29 PM
The worst thing about this is that with all of the fan boy rage over the casting, it's going to be hard to be appropriately critical about the finished product.

Too right.  Nothing really grabbed me about that trailer,  other than a vague feeling that Whitaker was basing her Doctor on the superb Martha Howe-Davies-off-of-Horrible-Histories.

Then YouTube figured I might be interested in Irish vlogger Dave 'Forever Computing' Cullen's thoughts on the matter. 

Somehow I have lived in happy ignorance of the hideous stain on my country that Cullen represents, but suffice to say if I hold any opinion, moral position or belief, Cullen holds the perfect,  loudly repeated, opposite. So after his rigorous expert analysis of the past,  present and future of Dr Who (based,  as far as I could tell, on the past two seasons alone. ..) I am now rendered incapable of doing anything but wholeheartedly championing the coming season.


I discovered him last week through looking for Who stuff on youtube.

Twat is a very polite way of puttin it.
Writer of SENTINEL, the best little indie out there


I mentioned Cullen to my 12 year-old son by way of a paternal cautionary tale about not listening to unsavoury nutters on You-Tube - and he responded in the weary, despairing tones of youth: "oh Dad, you haven't been watching that idiot".  So that at least was reassuring.

I take Bear's point about tweaking my YouTube experience through 'not interested's, which I do a lot of, but my experience has been that (for example) watching a lot of Star Wars content means I keep getting served up the same kind of spittle-filled beard action no matter how many times I try to persuade it to filter out wanker content.  I imagine the situation is similar (worse?) for Dr Who. 

Taryn Tailz

Quote from: Dandontdare on 22 September, 2018, 12:56:17 AM
I have always felt that the 'multi-companion' phases have been the weakest - Harry Sullivan, Turlough, Nissa, Adric, Mickey - it's always best when it's one on one, and the Doctor HAS to be the strong, driving force.

Now, I've always considered the team of the 4th Doctor, Sarah, and Harry to be one of the definitive TARDIS teams, with Harry being an absolute delight. But that's one of the joys of Doctor Who; every character and story is somebody's favourite.

Funt Solo

Of course we've already had the definitive Doctor Who, so why bother making any more?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.