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Spidey gets a job

Started by Richmond Clements, 29 March, 2003, 09:35:21 PM

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Richmond Clements

how cool is this?">

Richmond Clements

try again">

Richmond Clements


As far as I can tell, it didn't work because the pictures were pop-ups. This link should take you to the main page and you can access the rest of the pictures from there.

Link:" target="_blank">Shameless Merchandising


Ahhh! I see now. You've got a "z" instead of a "2" in your URL.

Let me see now...">



Let's try Fireman Spidey next...">


Hooray! They're not something I'd rush out and buy though...


I agree. Not sure exactly what age group they're aimed at, but I saw them the other week in town and my young 'un described them as "crap".

Richmond Clements

Thankyou Karne, it was my fault after all!
My youngest loved them, but then, he's only two. The other sprog was more concerned with trying to get me to buy him a waterpistol the same size as him.