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How do you read yours?

Started by MumboJimbo, 12 November, 2019, 11:37:50 AM

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This probably goes somewhat against the spirit of a weekly comic. but I'm going to streamline my 2000 AD experience by only reading each story once they are complete, from start-to-finish in one sitting. My MO will be the following:

1. New prog arrives: leaf through and make a note of any new stories in the Notes app on my phone (together with prog number)
2. Read any standalone strips, Tharg's intro, letters page etc.
3. If any stories have completed this week, check my Notes app, dig out the necessary back progs and read the whole story in one go.

Is this sacrilege? Do any of you guys do anything similar (like, for example just wait until you have a pile to read, and then devour them in one go)?


I used to read in order of preference - least favourite first, ending with top thrill (usually Dredd) - I abandoned this when I lost out on the amazing Trifecta reveal, so now it's traditional front-to-back with the prog.

As for the Meg, I read the Dredd, realise I don't remember what happened in the rest and put it to one side for a reread at some unspecified point in the future.

Colin YNWA

Week to week I'm a straight front to backer - with the odd exception if I'm particularly excited about an episode of any given story, but that's the exception rather than the rule.

I do however really like a story in one go approach from time to time. Done an entire Prog Slog that way a few years ago. I'd take a years Progs read all the Dredds then go back and read each story, or book / volume / phase there of. This gets a little slippy on thrills like Sinister Dexter but I read those in clumps.

I will also add specific stories to by read/re-read spreadsheet to read them in one go. Particularly ones I've enjoyed but don't think I've fully got to grips with. Can take 2 or 3 years to get to these but its fun when they land.

Occasionally when I'm struggling with a story I will go back and read from the start in one go to see if that pulls it all together as well.

So basically I true all sorts as suits. I do find you get a very different view of the pacing etc when read as one.


Quote from: Dandontdare on 12 November, 2019, 12:00:55 PM
I used to read in order of preference - least favourite first, ending with top thrill (usually Dredd) - I abandoned this when I lost out on the amazing Trifecta reveal, so now it's traditional front-to-back with the prog.

Same here - I didn't spoil myself for Trifecta, but I always have it in the back of my mind that if I read stories in an order different to how they're published then something like that could happen.


As soon as I downloaded the latest prog I will read it from beginning to end in one sitting. If you wait for stories to end you can not really participate in the weekly prog review (you might read a spoiler or two). I will before I start reading the prog just scan tough the previous week's prog.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


QuoteWeek to week I'm a straight front to backer - with the odd exception if I'm particularly excited about an episode of any given story, but that's the exception rather than the rule.
This is what I do, except that at the moment I'm skipping Defoe and reading it last.


Quote from: Colin YNWA on 12 November, 2019, 01:05:53 PM
I do however really like a story in one go approach from time to time. Done an entire Prog Slog that way a few years ago. I'd take a years Progs read all the Dredds then go back and read each story, or book / volume / phase there of.

Probably my fave memory of reading 2000 AD when I was a kid was actually when I stopped getting it regularly for a couple of years, and then a mate lent me - I don't know - maybe 80-100 back-progs (from around 580 to 680), and even a trolley bag to get them all back to my house! I remember being so excited to get home and just cherry-pick the stories I wanted to read, and experience them from start to finish. It really made me realise what I was missing and I ended up getting it weekly again.


Dredd first, then whatever other strip has my full attention (right now that's Brink). Then any one-off's. Strips I'm unsure of, or feel I would need to re-read the previous episode to fully appreciate, wait until they're complete. (Ironically this is more friction-free since going digital.)

Funt Solo

My favorite prog reading experience was when I lived in Scotland still, and I'd get myself set up at the back window of my flat overlooking the garden, with a cuppa.  Such lovely.

Now it's all PDFs.

(I remember when it was all paper round these parts etc.)
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I just read mine on the bog, Grud knows what you lot are on about! 😉


I tend to read it the week it comes out and in the order in the Prog.

I recently fell behind on my Megs. When I read them I got the last few months together and read each story from the start up to the point it had reached. That worked really well.


It varies for me. Sometimes – mostly – I'll read it straight through. Sometimes, if I'm particularly into a strip, I'll skip to it first. Occasionally, I'll not read the Prog for a while and then have to catch up. The Meg is more of a problem, because I'm finding it hard to keep track month to month. In part, that's down to storytelling. Some strips right now just aren't that memorable. But probably also I'm just losing track due to a million other things going on!

norton canes

Quote from: Colin YNWA on 12 November, 2019, 01:05:53 PM
Week to week I'm a straight front to backer - with the odd exception if I'm particularly excited about an episode of any given story, but that's the exception rather than the rule

Yep, same for me too, I'm a straight front-to-backer (hmm, one for the 'things that went over your head' thread there)

Usually buy the prog on a Wednesday and curl up with it last thing that evening.


I just laze in bed on Saturday morning until the letterbox goes, then grab the prog, make a cup of coffee and go back to bed and read it :)

Unless the prog doesn't arrive, in which case it's just not worth getting out of bed anyway...


Digital copy on my commute. Always save Dredd to the end as it is my favorite strip.