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The 2000 AD Messageboard Advent Calendar COMMENTS Thread 2019!

Started by Pete Wells, 30 November, 2019, 10:57:26 PM

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My Grud, Frank, I didn't know you could draw! Brilliant!
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


It seems to have disappeared though. Maybe a bit too much mickey for the boardelay bosses
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


I saved the images in case that happened,  so I can bask in that Wellsian girth whenever I wish!

Pete Wells

Phil, you can bask in the Wellsian girth any time you like, you smooth talking swine!

The Monarch

did i miss seeing the day 4 image? should i put up my two years old space spinner 2000 parody podcast so theres no missing day 4?


"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

The Monarch

Funt Solo

Saw the image but was mostly confused. I'll attempt to describe it from memory for those that missed it:

Two mostly naked men (one doing a full frontal, the other with union jack y-fronts) are standing atop a pile of (what some might consider) the weaker historical thrills of yesteryear. One of the men is carrying a large assault rifle, that is probably a toy, and he has a goatee. The one with his willie on show has a tattoo on his belly that says something like "Only Dredd can judge me!"

They seem to be celebrating. At their feet, face-down on the pile is what might be a dead (or unconscious?) Tharg, who's doing an enormous gaseous fart. Within the clouds of the fart, rising up between the men, are some of the key, generally understood to be weaker thrills of yesteryear - but not the same ones that are in the pile below.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I managed to get an eyeful of Frank's advent image (and now it's burned onto my retinas).  I suspect the Greggs product placement may have been the cause of its removal; Pete's generously proportioned steak bake might just have been too much for some to swallow, I fear.

Sterling efforts all round so far!

Pete Wells

Yesterday's image is now the wallpaper of my phone!

Today's is BEAUTIFUL! Thank you Colin!!!


Pete Wells

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Missed the Pete Wells masterpiece - don't suppose some kind soul could pm it me? Is that even possible?

Truly love the advent thread ❤❤


Missed Franks art, maybe not a bad thing! Where is he by the way.
DDT did a job on me