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Long, Pink and Hard

Started by Richmond Clements, 05 April, 2003, 06:56:17 AM

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Richmond Clements

Anybody seen this, I think it looks rather cool

Link:" target="_blank">yes, m'lady


Well Spur reckoned he did... live in the Chatroom!!!

Pink Rollers AND Weather Balloons... !


Did anybody notice that 'Bill Paxton' will be playing Jeff Tracey. I hope this doesn't mean that at the first sign of stress he will start bleating on about "17 days, man! An' I was getting short, too" before going all over the top!


Bart Oliver

Although I like the general styling it's just not long enough (smutty thoughts aside)

Looks a bit too much like a bar of soap- where are all the clean lines and straight edges assosiated with a Rolls Royce?

Also still wanted to see a Galagher behind the wheel- 'Yer f**Kin' sorted m' lady'
Obviously you're not a golfer.


I've heard rumours that the new version of the car is based on an American make rather than the original British Rolls Royce, and from the look of that pic it does seem like there is some truth in the rumour. Once again the film executive's seem to be promoting an non-acceptance of other cultures by pandering to the American audiences and "Americanising" anything and everything that displays an identity other than good old Uncle Sam. Once again a case of "If it ain't broke" – break it.>

God I look cool in this don't I Parker?

Yus, M'Lady.>

I'm not getting in that Parker, it looks like
A farking dodgem car!

Yus, M'Lady. Should I jump on the back of it?

Richmond Clements

I quite like it, sorry. It's the same only different.
I do worry, however, about what they will do to TB2: it's just too cool to change too much.
I'm also concerned about the Spy Kids style script. That does not sound good.


I heard a rumour that it had to be redesigned because Roll Royce wouldn't allow their designs to be used in the movie... which seems pretty feckin' stupid of them if it's true.


I know it's different but I like it, it looks like a suped up mega Astin Martin, although I think the film will suck big time.

Bill Paxon as Jeff Tracey and the TB pilots are teenagers!!! WHATTHEFUCK!!!!!!

I can't understand why Hollywood has to basterdise perfectly good ideas. Why buy the rights to an idea only to change it all?

I assume all the other vehicles will be 'updated' but I read in an interview that Joathan Frakes (Director) said that the rescue vehicles would have to look like the originals because that was half the appeal. I think they will change as much as the car has changed, it may not be a roller but it is pink, has six wheels and a perspex roof with a driver and a blond in the back. That description is FAB1.

It'll be interesting how the other stuff is handeled.

I do know that 2000AD artist Jim McCarthey is involved in the production designs for the film, and he, in my books, can do no wrong.

Nice Tom

Actually, there is a full-size version of the original car in existence. It was built to promote the movie 'Thunderbirds Are Go!' back in the Sixties. Could they not use that?

El Spurioso

New car is a pink six-wheeled T-bird (american stylee).  I know this for a fact because I've seen the fecker.  A part of the film - and indeed that photograph - was shot here at the college where I live.


Apparently the trailer will be done in time to premiere with THE HULK.



Be funny seeing Thunderbird 2 again. "Hey, that's looks like the ship from Futurama!"

Used to have one too, but it got thrown out, along with my original Star Trek ships AND Space 1999 ones. Sheesh, worth a small fortune!! Plus I could play with them :o( Always liked picking up the radioactive waste thingies with the "magnet on a string" ship :o)


Wandered in by mistake, I thought this was "A pig with a flick knife" type joke thread.

Doug, by the sound of it you had the Space 1999 Eagle transporter, freight version. You lucky person. I would have sold my entire family to slavetraders for one, only it's difficult for a 10 year old to find a bunch of blood thirsty pirates to do business with down yer local toyshop.


"...Space 1999 Eagle transporter..."

Yes! The coolest-looking spacecraft ever designed. By anyone. Anywhere.

And no, I don't chuffing care that there was no room for fuel or an airlock - it looks wonderful and that's all that counts.



Bah, only had the bog standard green one. Lots of fun dragging it through the soil and making pretend explosions, though.

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