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Round 1: 7 - Tom Tully or Peter Hogan - Ultimate Not Wagner Tourney

Started by Colin YNWA, 01 June, 2020, 06:31:38 AM

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Colin YNWA

These match-ups for the votes are never anything less than fascintating. Today we have two writers from different era and mind sets who in many ways couldn't be more different. To abuse the observations of Space Spinner 2000 you can't see my face as my finger hoovers over the 'Return' button to start the vote between

Tom Tully -


Peter Hogan -

What is all this nonsense you ask well we're finding out whose 2000ad (Meg and associated items) writing do you prefer? Voting - just add a comment here with whose work you prefer (and anything else you might wish to say to discuss their work). This vote closes some time early Thursday 4rd June?

Want to know more

Two more Round 1 votes off start tomorrow.


Peter Hogan because I like Resident Alien (I know it does not count but I could not choose so I went for outside help)
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.



Peter Hogan, for Timehouse and a better take on Robo-Hunter than Millar.

Dark Jimbo

Not too much conflict here for me - Hogan. I like his whimsical, thoughtful take on things, and can't help but feel he'd have made much more of an impression on the prog if he'd just come on board a bit later, during Matt Smith's tenure - so I love that he's just recently returned!


This is an easy one. Hogan, for the Zaucer of Zilk and for a Vector 13 story in prog 968 about the JFK assassination. I didn't usually like Vector 13, but that episode was very good and would have made a legitimate Time Twister.



Tom Tully, because Hogan wrote Zaucer of Zilk and Timehouse apparently.


Funt Solo

Tricksy this: Tom Tully gets points for his extended (*cough*) homage to Killerbowl: The Mean Arena.  You've also got to ask: did all of these violent sports tales (Harlem Heroes, Inferno, The Mind of Wolfie Smith) in some way inspire Speedball, or was everything just descended from Rollerball?

On the other hand, Hogan gets strong points for Zilk.


I'm going old school and giving my vote to Tom Tully, just for sparking my interest more.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Having recently watched the Battle Angel Alita film I was left pondering how much (if any) influence those strips were on Yukito Kishiro.


The Mind of Wolfie Smith


Peter Hogan - his strips always seem to inject a bit of sweetness into the 2000AD pile.

Colin YNWA

Oh get yah votes in here, this one seems close from a quick look. So last chance to have a siginficent impact on how this one goes. The finger hovers over the button and voting will close first thing in the morning (Thursday)


Argh quick decision time!

Just for the sheer bloody murder and my yountful love for violent sports that make no sense, I cast my vote for Tom Tully.