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Round 2: 5 - John Smith or Pat Mills - Ultimate Not Wagner Tourney

Started by Colin YNWA, 11 June, 2020, 06:36:49 AM

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Tough one, but Smith wins out on the sheer daring and imagination of his work: For Firekind alone, one of the most beautiful and poignant stories ever set to paper.  But really tough call, early Nemises with Mills and O'Neill was simply breathtaking. Z
Ed is dead, baby Ed is...Ed is dead

Colin YNWA

VOTING CLOSED - but feel free to add votes and comments but the call is made.

Its hardly a surprise that a writer with the caliber of John Smith was able to make a solid argument for winning a vote against the strongest of contenders. The point has been raised that the original Tharg's writing is so strong that he's got this in the bag already. I'd suggest when you seperate from the man from his incredible history that's far from a given and I thought this one would be closer. I'll raise my hand if I'd have been voting here much I some of Mills best work would have if just stunning but he's too inconsistent and can seem like he's said all he has to say and is repeating himself. John Smith could never be accused of that. But I don't vote and you chaps that matter and on that basis an astonishing body of work carries

Pat Mills

Into the Quarter Finals