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That Twitter thread… You know the one

Started by broodblik, 21 November, 2020, 07:26:19 PM

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Yeah—sorry, Leigh. The thread was a bit of a mix and I had to make a decision as to what went where. If I left some of your bits in the wrong spot, that certainly wasn't my intention.

As for the points you raise, Mills is right in that 2000 AD lost its way. The Loaded era was a shambolic mess. This wasn't about growing up, but instead being a directionless vessel, alienating your existing readers but not really finding new ones either. What he disagrees with is that the comic found its way again. As Mills would have it, comics these days are missing the point by not being like they were in the 1970s.

The Sanders memo blog post is some epic cherry picking. He concentrates mostly on the bitchy notes regarding creators being at each-other's throats but dismisses the substance. It's not entirely clear what Sanders was aiming for here—a kind of co-op, seemingly, rather than something closer to today's Image model. But back then, that would have been quite something.

I also only just noticed Mills's point regarding books not being collected. This was something he was recently complaining about on Twitter regarding his own stories. He's right in that not everything has been collected, but, man, if you were a random onlooker checking out Rebellion's collected editions to date, you'd be hard-pressed to consider Mills hard done by on that regard. Not only does he have loads, he has the lion's share of deluxe HC volumes.
