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2000 AD Cover of the Year 2020!

Started by Pete Wells, 23 December, 2020, 12:50:03 PM

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1: 2184 - A great cover regardless, the accidental timing of running alongside the riots and police brutality in the US, has this seared into my memory forever.

2: 2178 - Noam Chimpsky! This should be no.1 just for the great use of primate.

3: 2179 - Dredd looking out of the fetid air in front of the citizens - superb composition!


3rd - 2202 - Huge flesh eating beast in the best 2000ad tradition
2nd - 2186 - Just cool and creepy
1st - 2207 - When Cliff Robinson plays to his strengths he's the ultimate Dredd cover artist (sorry Brian) and this image is pure Cliff

Honourable mentions - I loved all the Regened covers (but hated the progs), and 2211, 2190 and 2187 were all close contenders for the 2 & 3 slots

Bad Idea Award of 2020 - those two Stickleback covers - greyscale looks lovely inside, but a grey cover just skulks away on the news stand, especially with grey/blue text. Call me old fashioned but I think the front cover should be bright and eye-catching. I know 2186 is pretty grey but it has enough splashes of colour and bold red text, and it's a simpler direct image


Funnily enough, my three picks all came in a row this year:

3rd 2202 - Hookjaw attacks!
2nd 2203 - Moody Dredd poses are nothing new, but I just love Lynch's use of negative space.
1st 2204 - Looking at the main character through an eldrtich hole blown through a dude's head.

And I'm gonna echo the love for 2178's Chimpsky Stylites and 2198's 80s-tastic gunsharks. Best use of colours on both of those by miles!

Also, fun fact for peolple keeping score: 2020 is I think the first ever year in which females outnumbered males on the Prog cover... ...for the first 4 Progs of the year.


First, thank you, Pete for doing all this again. Always a pleasure to see these threads, and much appreciated. Now for the noms, which is a tricky one this year.

1: 2209 — striking and beautiful in equal measure, this cover is also an excellent and rare example of an artist equally at home on cover duties as in strip work. The inking is wonderful, and the minimalist use of colour superb. But also the design here works very well, with the muted gold logo. I'd have toned down the Bad Blood red a bit, but that's a tiny gripe in my favourite cover of the year.

2: 2178 — a rare example of a first-rate 2000 AD cover that is serene rather than action packed. The composition is strange and draws you in, hinting at the scale of the city. The colours are gorgeous, whether in full size of thumbnail. I'm not quite sold on the typography of the main strap, but the cover succeeds not only on its own merits but also as something different.

3: 2206 — yep, I'm going for a Regened for my third choice, because of its dynamic and visually punchy design. I mean, c'mon — big, stompy dino vs mini Judge. What's not to love about this one?


2202 — GIANT SHARK; terrible punnage; great colours; arguably equal third, but we're not allowed any of that nonsense here, so I had to choose, dammit
2211 — lovely design; great message; rough typography
2187 — just so totally unlike anything else on the Prog of late, much like the strip is unlike anything else in it
2189 — nicely horrific
2212 — the rarest of covers for me, in being one of Tharg I actually like


  • 2200 - body horror baby face worm monsters, what's not to love. Shame there was no story connected with this.
  • 2209 - lovely subtle use of colour
  • 2178 - quite a minimal cover but all the more striking for it


1st - 3 points

Classic artist, classic image. Simpson is a bloody master of Dredd. Always great when he breaks cover from the world of TV and film.

2nd - 2 points

Brilliant bit of design composition from an artist I think more of in terms of humour and action. Bonus points for reminding me of the rebel structures in the 70s Star Wars comics - pure nostalgia.

3rd - 1 point

Some love for the return of a 2000ad great - no, not her, Simon Fraser. Absolutely loved this strip - the art, the colour choices, the visceral nature, the fanboi tizz. Fupping marvellous. And a bonus point for her regard in this pic over being pure Kerr Avon.
If I'd known it was harmless I would have killed it myself.!/FutureShockd


Not a vintage year for covers at all.

1st.  2211

2nd. 2171

3rd.   2163


3rd: 2191

2nd: 2202

1st: 2206

Tough choice, so many great covers this year!
Savalas Seed Bandcamp:

"He's The Law 45th anniversary music video"

norton canes

So many fantastic covers this year.

Honourable mentions:

Top three...




The Mind of Wolfie Smith

1. 2193 (3 points) - just a glitzy massive jolt and sheen of nostalgia for those (invariably awful) early eighties sci-fi flicks which masked their deficiencies under thrilling covers channeling the metal hurlant aesthetic. except, in this case, the story was awesome too.
2. 2191 (2 points) - similarly, this is all sleek, shiny, clean, kinetic, fast future, gripping - and promoting another terrific story.
3. 2209 (1 point) - from the colour bleed to the deeply hewn inks, a beautiful slice of witchery that should really be available as a tapestry.


Some really strong contenders this year, but I got it down to three:

1st: 2191
2nd: 2206
3rd: 2169

Also a big fan of 2200, 2202, 2197, 2190, 2187 and 2165.

Sean SD


james newell

1st.  2209

Just love Tiernen's style!

2nd. 2195
Lovely cover & new series

3rd. 2177
not a fan of the story but lover the art & colours of the series and this cover is cool to be sure