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Gerry Finley-Day or Kenneth Niemand - Writers Solhiem Cup - Tie 11

Started by Colin YNWA, 05 July, 2021, 06:34:24 AM

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Colin YNWA

Team Classic vs. Team Current
Only work for Tharg to be Considered

The third week starts with a Team Classic desperately needing another win, and quickly, but judging by this tie they still have some popular names to pull out the hat to give them that.

I played a wildcard for Team Current here. I think Kenneth Niemand's continued output over the last year might well have pushed him into the places by right BUT I'm far more lazy than AlexF and didn't check. However his work on Dredd, Chimpsky and Megatropolis mark him as possibly the most important find of recent years. And then having given him that place the draw puts him up against the writer of some of the comics most popular strips ever, Rogue Trooper, Harry 20 and so many more... I fear my vote on this one will get me run out of town!

Time for you to decide your favourite as the droids square up to the tee...

GFD - more info


Kenneth Niemand - more info

Remember for this tourney you have 5 votes to distribute as you please between these two artists, whole numbers only. So you can vote 5 - 0; 4 - 1; or 3 - 2; either way depending on how much more you like one artist's work over the other.

If you can't be doing with that just name your favourite - remember bold tags, or other ways of highlighting always appreciated - and I'll give them 3 votes and nowt to the other droid.

Three day votes, so this one ends morning of Thursday 8th July

Remember we only consider work for Tharg in these Tourneys

What the heck is all this about - well we have a thread for that

How does this voting work? Look here

I don't understand how this works, what are the rules of the Solhiem Cup - yep got ya covered there too

Anything else just ask and I'll make something up. Most importantly, have fun!

Barney links edited — IP


Heading says its Gerry vs Niemand, detail says it is Rennie vs Tomlinson (maybe we will have a second round)
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Funt Solo

Well, it's easy to get confused between Niemand and Tomlinson.  :-X
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



Niemand is one off the writers that is definitely on the up. I love his Dredd and his two series Chimpksy and Megatropolis is plain awesome. I would like him to do a mega Dredd and something outside the Dredd-verse. Gerry has written/created one off my all time fav AD characters in Rogue and do not forget about Harry 20 as well.

Difficult choice for me so I will go for the new kid on the block and give Niemand 3 and Gerry 2
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


There's no doubting GFD's huge influence on and importance to 2000 AD. But... I don't personally like a lot of what he wrote. I always found Rogue dull and formulaic compared to the far more exciting classic tales of Sláine, Strontium Dog and Nemesis. Rogue was just... there. Still, some of it was good, Fiends was superb, and he was certainly prolific.

Niemand does Dredd like few others. Chimpsky is fun. His alt-world Megatropolis was interesting and intriguing. There's been very little he's written where I don't want to see more.

So: GFD 2 / Niemand 3


Niemand has done some sterling one-off Dredds, to be sure, but so far I've yet to be bowled over by his long-form work. Finley-Day, on the other hand, kept me enthralled for all of Harry 20, much of Invasion, and about 100 solid Progs of Rogue Trooper. Oh, and that Fiends. That was real good.

I'm going Finley-Day 4, Niemand 1


Reyt, you lot. Shut up, belt up, 'n if ye can't see t' bloody exit, ye must be bloody blind.


Colin YNWA

Quote from: broodblik on 05 July, 2021, 07:04:38 AM
Heading says its Gerry vs Niemand, detail says it is Rennie vs Tomlinson (maybe we will have a second round)

Has someone corrected this or am I missing something??? I do a LOT of copy and pasting for these things so there's every chance I missed something. Just in this instance I can't see what???


Colin YNWA

The Mind of Wolfie Smith

ken's work seems to be accomplished and utterly inconsequential. give him a megaepic and a license to disrupt the status quo.

gerry, meanwhile, without whom ... wins 5-0.


Neimand is a mysterious star. His work is crying out for Tharg to free him up and let him do what he wants- he could be a Wagner/ Moore/ Mills level talent.

Finley-Day is a legend, but never -quite- had that extra shine (for me).

Neimand wins this 3-2.



Not sure I've read enough Kenneth to give him a fair score here. Fiends, Harry 20 and a lot of Rogue are classics.

Gerry Finley-Day 4, Kenneth Niemand 1.