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The 2000AD Messageboard Advent Calendar, 2021 edition

Started by sheridan, 01 December, 2021, 12:16:26 AM

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Funt Solo

Art by Chris Weston & Gary Caldwell [gwabbed from pwog 2260 & then cwuelly edited in]
Font: CrimeFighter BB
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.



For Jnr Members who want a colouring in page (2000AD MESSAGE BOARD EXCLUSIVE!)

And a link to a youtube video where you can watch the inks and colouring take shape (I forgot to record the pencils!)

And here's a cut out and keep Judge Dredd standee ...

And my card from last year...


Pete Wells

Not 2000 AD related (sorry) but there's a lovely(!) festive video from me here - Norbert the Green Nosed Reindeer! I hope you all like it!

The Legendary Shark

Hope it's okay to pull a P.J. and just dump this here...

Dim and Jello


(Inspired by O. Henry's The Gift of the Magi)

Take a look around this humble hab. There are countless like it in the Big Meg, a few are very much worse than this one but most are better. 8 creds a week does not purchase opulence, nor a functioning heating system, but for Dim and Jello, Lord and Lady of this hutch, it is home. You or I would not feel so content with the place and our mothers would swoon at the sight, then recover into reluctant consciousness, then disown us as hopeless cases. Indeed, even the rats and roaches here profess only to be passing through on journeys to more well appointed nests.

Jello, her cheeks flushed with triumphant anticipation, sits on the threadbare couch waiting for Dim to return. In her slim hands she turns a small box, wrapped in a tasteful piece of paper she'd found trapped in a lethargic whirlwind gambolling in the corner of a grimy alley on her way home from the shops. Every so often, and far too often, her slender fingers pinch and caress the scarf covering her head, just as Scary Mary's fingers had worried at her own scarf in the tale of the Nativity.

Religion was not an important part of Jello's life but now, on this day, she felt a fondness for it. She felt close to that Blessed Mother, Scary Mary Crust, who bore the saviour Jovus in a mangy unstable garage down Bethnall Green way in Brit Cit all those years ago. Like every Mega Citizen she knew the story of Crustmas, and how the Three Wise Mice, each of them blind, followed a luminous mutant stork to Jovus Crust's squalid birthplace. The mice carried gifts for the infant, gifts of cheese, cheese, and cheese, thereby inaugurating the tradition of the Crustmas gift. Or so the Crustians believe. The Mouselems, on the other hand, maintain that the mice ate all the cheese on the way and arrived at the birth empty pawed, while the Mews say a cat ate all the mice before they got there. Wars have been fought over this, for such is the way of religion.

But Jello's grasp of theology is not so firm and she likes the idea of the Crustmas gift, of displaying the depths of her love through the giving of presents. Thus the humbly wrapped box endlessly turning through her fingers represents to her a perfect reflection of the soul deep adoration she holds for her husband, Dim. Those of you who have read The Gift of the Magi by O. Henry will know that the box contains a simple gold chain destined for her husband's most cherished possession, and that Jello sold her beautiful hair to buy it for him, and that if the judges find out you've read it they'll lock you up for perusing banned media. Best to keep quiet about it, then, for happy endings in Mega City One are rare enough without admitting to having read stuff. Jello hasn't read the story and her and Dim's situation is entirely coincidental, though good luck to her if she ever has to explain these unfolding events to Justice Department's Literary Division.

The sound of footsteps coming up the landing quickens her heart. She jumps from the couch, clutching the present to her thin stomach as if to quiet the sudden eruption of butterflies, for this must be her beloved Dim returning home from jobhunting. She knows it must be him, for the verminators rarely visit this part of the Dale Winton Underhang, and never on a Crustmas Eve. She waits, breathless as the steps come nearer, and she briefly wonders whether to put on the pan to heat up the munce-based mockchops but decides to wait until Dim has his special present.

The thin, mouldstained door bursts inwards in a shower of splinters and a judge erupts into the 8 cred a week hab. Jello gasps as the judge grabs her thin arms and locks her slender wrists into cold, tight handcuffs.

"You're under arrest, Citizen," the judge growls.

"What?" Jello, her world imploding, tries to maintain her grip on the meagre gift but the judge pulls it from her grasp and tosses it onto the couch like so much trash. "But... why?"

"Selling your organs is a crime, Creep," the judge says.

"My... my hair? Hair isn't..."

The judge pushes her towards the smashed door. "Hair was reclassified as an organ in 2129," the judge barks, "ignorance of this law is no excuse. Move!"

"But wait, my husband, Dim, he'll be expecting me..."

"I doubt it. He was arrested an hour ago for purchasing tortoise shell combs in contravention of the Endangered Species Statutes."

"Combs?" Jello bursts into tears.

It would be nice to record that Jello and Dim were allowed adjacent cubes, or permitted to see each other during exercise periods, but this is not the case. Their cubes, though, are cleaner and warmer than an 8 cred a week hovel - and this is as close to a happy ending as anyone gets in Mega City One, even on Crustmas Eve.


Colin YNWA

My entry is predictable as ever I'm afraid

Sorry I was hoping to be able to scan and tidy this up, but not been in work for reasons I'm sure you'll understand and so this a photo will just have to do alas...


The rnaking continues with the 4th and 3rd best Xmas Progs ever.

Oh, and what's this here at the last minute...?
SPOILER WARNING for anyone who doesn't want to see what's in Prog 2262.

Colin YNWA

Sorry posted in the wrong place... phew Modify still here!


Oh look, it's the final ranking!

(Actually two more posts to follow, because there#s always more to say...)

David Broughton

Hello. My apologies if I should have signed up on another page first.
Here is Judge Dredd comic Strip, illustrated by myself, Script: Kev Hopgood, Editor: Bolt 01 R.I.P. for the 2000AD Fanzine ZARJAZ #37.



OK, here goes -
It's the Creeptic Crossword 2021!

Unlike the last one, this is not confined to Dreddworld - this spans a lot of 2000ad stories.  Also, every answer is a 2000ad bad guy, or at least an enemy of the main character.  Some of the villains are more obscure than others, so you kind of need to know a bit of 2000ad history, but none of the stories are particularly obscure - you won't find anything from Bonjo from Beyond the Stars, for example, although there are a couple of one-off stories from larger in-comic universes, if you get me.

Also, you'll need a wee bit of knowledge of how cryptic crosswords work - look for anagrams, embedded words, abbreviations etc - but tomorrow I'll post the clues again but this time with the stories they're taken from if anyone wants an easier ride.  No prizes this year, I'm afraid; only had about two entries last time round; so you can do it in the spirit of the old Christmas annual crosswords - when you're on the jax on the 26th.  I'll post the solution before the New Year.
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"


Huh. Well, apologies for the lack of output here... the pre-Christmas rush has been particularly mental this year (for context, I lettered more pages last week than I did in November) but here's another, and I think I should be able to manage one more for tomorrow...

Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.
