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Forum’s Favourite Thrill - Dead Meat vs. Rogue Trooper (Friday) Rd 2 Heat 80

Started by Colin YNWA, 24 March, 2022, 06:23:50 AM

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Colin YNWA

Week 10 is quietly fascinating. No really BIG hitters, but some fascinating ties. What looks like some tough choices, some great stories, a local derby and a prime example of how a lesser thrill could just slip quietly through to later rounds by the luck of the draw. Good, interesting mixing coming this week.

Well one of these will get through... damnit...

Dead Meat - more info


Rogue Trooper (Friday) - more info

Just reply in this thread naming your favourite thrill of these two series at the beginning of your post (or use Bold tags so I can spot it easily) and say what you like about these wonderful stories after that.

Match ends early on the morning of Sunday March 27th  and the winner gets a place in Round 3 (of 9!!!).

What on Earth is ALL of this?

For those that need 'um and can be bothered to follow 'um there's some simple rules

Any questions, just ask as ever - and have FUN


Rogue Trooper (Friday). I hope this gets collected one day even if it is not the best of the best
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


Dead Meat! For some reason, and I'm not sure what that may be, I loved the strip completely. Simon Jacob's art was perfectly suited, and Inspector Raam was a brief blip of pure 2000AD in an era not exactly brimming over with great new characters. I've not read it in years mind you, but in comparison to Fr1day- a series that my brain has marked as the signifier for when the comic lost its way entirely- the sheep wins.



Rogue Trooper (Friday), for The War Machine and the John Smith one-offs.

Blue Cactus

Dead Meat was alright. I quite like Raam and Jacob's art and colouring are always a treat for me. Mixed feelings about Friday. I've always found the War Machine story quite tedious if I'm honest. Not read most of the Fleisher stuff. Haven't read the John Smith shorts because they haven't been reprinted anywhere. But the later run with Tappin, Flint, and Ronald on art, I didn't mind at the time. I ended up quite liking Friday himself, the poor sod.

I think I'm going with Dead Meat.


Dead Meat - probably the best artwork that Jacob did for the prog (I've seen some of what has been done since, and really need to locate copies).

Any regard for Fr1day is based solely on War Machine and artwork, everything else drags it down in a big way.


Rogue Trooper (Friday). War Machine was great, the rest.....was not. I didn't really enjoy Dead Meat, although I haven't read it in thirty years.


On paper, Friday ought to win this. That first story is really VERY good, while the first Dead Meat is only quite good (but is also a ton of fun). Dead Meat 2 is pretty terrible, but is maybe just about less terrible than all the Fleisher Fridays, and most if not all of what came after. So yeah, Fr1day 'deserves' to win.

But then the thing is, the fun factor of Inspector Raam and Vera Brett, coupled with Simon Jacob's cracking style, lifts the story. And I'll be damned if its futurism isn't slowly coming true. I don't think we're any closer to sentient, talking animals, but we ARE edging towards a society where meat will first become rarer, and may indeed one day be made illegal. Is that worth a vote?

I think purely for the fact that I think only one of these strips could/should make a comeback, I'm voting Dead Meat

But I do feel bad for The War Machine and that Simpson-painted carnage...




At the time, "the War Machine" was incredibly exciting. This was the "Whaam! Baam! the comic strip grows up" era - at least that's what tv and newspapers were telling us. Whilst the 600s weren't all solid gold, the idea that 2000ad's cast were mortal ( Chopper, Alpha and - it looked that way at the time - Dredd) or could change and mature ( Slaine) made the comic seem "better" than DC and Marvel with their frozen-in-time heroes.

Giving Rogue Trooper a more sensible make - over ( Even just giving him a shirt) just added to the feel of this era.


"Where once you fought to stop the trap from closing...Now you lay the bait!"


Ive never really considered stopping buying the Prog, but Dead Meat was one of the strips that made me at least question it.

So Friday it is. It did at least have one decent run, but it always felt like an unnecessary reboot to me and I missed Helm, Bagman and Gunnar.


Dead Meat was one of those strips that summed up the awfulness of some of the 90s.