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Toxic fandom in UK comics (including the prog)

Started by CalHab, 24 March, 2022, 01:22:20 PM

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This is an interesting article, covering topics which have come up on the board:

His commentary looks pretty accurate to me.


Amusingly, some of the primary culprits are discussing this article with seeming bemusement, wondering who it could be talking about...
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


2000AD is unfortunately plagued by fans* who are covered by this.

*Someone who bought the prog in the 80s and now proudly and regularly declares on Facebook that they haven't read it in years.

Barrington Boots

Good article, this - thanks for linking it. Can't disagree with anything it says.

That Bash Street Kids thing is so puerile. Imagine being the sort of person who would get so angry about a childs comic being more relevant to the people who read it (children).
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Colin YNWA

That article is both great and depressing in equal measure. i hadn't realised there was an 'official', or named Comicsgate UK though some of the behaviours we've seen over the years meant that was just in name.

There is also a really worrying comment in the comments section. Just basically shouting 'NO - don't agree' while at the same time showing no awareness they seem to be part of the problem, cos I guess they don't see a problem... and since Jim is seeing that elsewhere, well...

Funt Solo

It's exactly this sort of woke bleating* that's ruining this country etc.

* Gammon Manual, page 23, rule 5.3 states: When confronting dangerous SJWs and defending the shrinking and threatened male space from constant attack by other genders and their friends you should at all times use the pejorative "bleating" because that, more than any form of logic, means that you automatically win the argument.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


It's a good article, and also quite depressing how obnoxious, entitled and irrational people can be, as exemplified in one of the comments. Who are these fucking people anyway? And why are they whining about comics they don't even read anymore?


Quote from: Numpty In CommentsWhat nonsense. Comicsgate is not a hate movement. It's a group of fans who are pissed off at seeing franchises they love turned into utter shite by idealogues with zero love of the characters or properties and who just use them as platforms for sjw bleatings... ...Leo Baxendale and Ken Reid must be spinning in their graves.

Quote from: Intensely Political Left-Wing Anti-War Campaigner, Leo Baxendale"... the struggle between comedy and anti-comedy. The antithesis of comedy, anti-comedy is the domain of the one-eyed brothers capitalism and patriarchy, who walk hand in hand."

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Whoever Richard Freeman is, that's quite the comment. Why should The Beano concern itself with sexuality? Because it's part of society. Because it reflects things that children actually care about. Note how The Beano's readership nosedive was halted when the comic became more inclusive and when Dennis stopped being a bullying little shit. It's for years now been on the up. That has directly coincided with more diverse characters.

Marvel and DC's misfortunes don't have a great deal to do with the characters, but then arguing about Manga kicking those publishers' arses? That would be Manga that is by its very nature a hugely diverse medium that caters for a wider reader base than typical western comics?

And then a Doctor Who grumble at the end. Of course. FFS.

Richmond Clements

Dammit. You made me reply to that comment...


But i want the beeno to be for me wen i wos 7
"Men will never be free until the last king is strangled with the entrails of the last priest"

The Mind of Wolfie Smith

when i committed to a full-on return to the prog (basically because the prog was clearly entering another golden age) i must admit that i was almost put off completely by some of the higher-profile fan output (not in this parish) being so insufferably negative and intolerant.
so much (but not all) of the original golden age of 2000ad was unsubtly satirical, progressive and a glance into what dystopias might await us if we continued blindly into the night of the far right. i don't know what the anti-woke brigade were reading when they were seven, but i know what i was reading. judge dredd is america. halo jones's hoop is pretty much here. invasion and savage? ukraine.


Quote from: M.I.K. on 24 March, 2022, 05:00:00 PM
Quote from: Numpty In CommentsWhat nonsense. Comicsgate is not a hate movement. It's a group of fans who are pissed off at seeing franchises they love turned into utter shite by idealogues with zero love of the characters or properties and who just use them as platforms for sjw bleatings... ...Leo Baxendale and Ken Reid must be spinning in their graves.

Quote from: Intensely Political Left-Wing Anti-War Campaigner, Leo Baxendale"... the struggle between comedy and anti-comedy. The antithesis of comedy, anti-comedy is the domain of the one-eyed brothers capitalism and patriarchy, who walk hand in hand."

I bet some of those moaning about not being able to bully children were also complaining about MPs being invited to this weekend's forthcoming online convention.  Wonder if they've read wikipedia lately?
Quote from: wikipediaIn the mid-1960s, Baxendale published a weekly anti-war newsletter the Strategic Commentary. Though it had some paying subscribers, including fellow Vietnam War opponent Noam Chomsky, Baxendale made a considerable loss from sending hundreds of free weekly copies to Labour Party MPs.

The Monarch

i said it on twitter and i'll say it here too. 2000ad fans like the ones mentioned in that article makes me hate being a fan of the comic sometimes. i am really glad that most of the people on this forum are all good