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Star Trek: Strange new Worlds

Started by The Legendary Shark, 10 May, 2022, 10:10:08 PM

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The Legendary Shark

Just watched Episode One and it wasn't bad at all. A couple of clanky moments aside, and a clanger (what happened to the rest of the USS Archer's crew? Maybe they said but I missed it), I'm looking forward to the rest of the series. Best of all, this iteration seems to be going back to the episode-of-the-week format - which I was wingeing about on the Picard thread. Optimism levels set to mildly cautious, interest buffers nominal, enjoyment factor six - punch it!


The Legendary Shark

Episode 2, Children of the Comet, and this is the Star Trek I've been waiting for. Discovery and Picard certainly have their moments but this feels like (at long last) the real deal.



Watched the first episode and enjoyed it, feels much more like classic Trek than any of the newer Trek series.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Funt Solo

An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark

Episode four really gave me a kick, an instant classic in my book, easily on a par with TOS's Balance of Terror. I am loving this series on all kinds of levels.



Do you have to watch it on YouTube, or is it available on tv in the UK?

The Legendary Shark

I'm not exactly sure. My sources are somewhat complicated.



Quote from: Richard on 26 May, 2022, 01:48:34 PM
Do you have to watch it on YouTube, or is it available on tv in the UK?

Legally speaking it will be available in the UK on Paramount plus on 22nd June 2022.

Or using a VPN to appear to be in the US territory and watching the US Paramount version, might work. But you'll likely be forking out for the VPN too. (I had a free one on my iPad* but it required watching ads to store up time. Not a big issue for me as they're not long, but it might bug some people. I haven't tried it on Paramount Plus yet as I'm concerned about paying for a subscription only for it not to work. And June isn't far off really. A nuisance it's not on Netflix or Amazon Prime though.

*Which I've now sold. I should see if I can get it or similar for my new Samsung device.



Finally got round to the first episode of this. It's a really rather wonderful homage to Original Trek, without feeling horribly slavish. I liked the [spoiler]Lt Kirk gag[/spoiler] particularly, but I'm looking forward to the rest of the series.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Definitely Not Mister Pops

I have been harsh on "Nu" Trek, but this show is giving me hope. Not just hope for the franchise, but that general hope for the future that Picarse and STD have utterly failed to deliver.

I still have a few nit-picks, this is the way. (spoilers up to episode 4)

[spoiler]Uhuru's orphan back story was just lazy cliché[/spoiler]

The security officer is basically called Gandalf Hitler. Good character despite that.

Nurse Chapel should wear her hair in a beehive at least once so I can complain about leaning too heavily on nostalgia

The science is kinda goofy, but in that charming way that TOS did science. I have always said that Star Trek inspired my interest in science that let me understand how shonky Trek science is.

Gregory Peck's grandson does an OK Spock, but he just doesn't have Nimoy's charisma. Then again, who does?

I'll tell you who, Captain goddamn Pike. Swoon. His hair is nearly as good as mine.

I also have a soft spot for the blind engineer. He's that no nonsense professional archetype like Odo.

Number One is #1.

Overall, I'd say it's off to a stronger start than TNG or DS9.
You may quote me on that.

The Legendary Shark

That final episode's a corker. I even loved the introduction of [spoiler]Captain Kirk[/spoiler] and thought the character came across to perfection. I've had to push myself to watch the likes of Discovery and even Picard, to the point that watching them was beginning to feel like homework. But this one? I didn't want this one to end.

More, please!


The Legendary Shark

Quote from: The Legendary Shark on 07 July, 2022, 01:14:21 PM

That final episode's a corker...

I've just watched that final episode for the fourth time and I think it's one of the best Trek episodes ever - has nobody else felt the love? Please don't say I'm alone in this (as well)!


Leigh S

Is this still behiind a paywall? 


I finally managed to watch the whole series- and yes, it is very good indeed. Those last two episodes brought the average up considerably for me. With only ten shows in the series, it did at times feel a little like they were trying to show the broad spectrum of types of story Star Trek can tell in too short a time, and as a result the series was (for me) a bit all over the place.

That said, the characters are great, the cast is warm and likeable, the scripts were mostly on point, and the visuals were top-end.

I couldn't help but see some aspects as a reaction against the criticism DISCO has suffered, with diversity being pared back being my main irritant. Did we have any gay main characters this year?

But on the whole- not bad. I'm looking forward to series two, and for many to come. It's not my favourite 'Nu Trek', as DISCO is where my heart lies, but it will do perfectly.