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Sideshow Vote II: ‎This was their finest hour……

Started by broodblik, 13 June, 2022, 04:02:13 AM

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We all like a good war story and hopefully you think like I do and believe that war should be left for books, comics, or movies. We are currently being treated to another great collection of war stories, shamefully promoting Battle Action special. Back to the vote and this one is quite simple? Charley's War is the greatest war story ever to be published in comics.
-   Yes, it is the greatest ever
-   Nope, I am thinking about...........
-   No way dude I am in lest make love and not war, peach bro

When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Funt Solo

I wouldn't call it accessible. However, I'm not sure what to suggest as better - maybe Fiends of the Eastern Front?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

Colin YNWA

This one is simple - though I've not read them all of course - but from what I've read

Yes its the greatest

While it is what it is, a strip from a boys adventure comic from the early 80s, that takes nothing from its powr, craft the the way it emmerses you in the horrors of war. Artistically its an absolute triumph, Joe Colquhoun is unmatched in his ability to show character and tension. Just a masterpiece.


Greatest War Story ever told in Comics is an amazingly massive claim. Even if you limit it to just 'stories about real wars'. I haven't read nearly enough to have a sensible opinion but I have read a bunch of Charley's War and while I never fell in love with it I admire it as a story that manages to combine the drama and tension of survival stuff with the constant reminder the war is bad, and it's the poorest who get hit the hardest by it. I'd say it's better than any given WW1-set film for getting all that across, not least because it makes plenty of room for humour.

Found this US list of Top 10 War comics which is notable, to me, for including more British fare than you'd think... (And a reminder that I haven't read ANY American War comics)

Maus isn't a war story, although it's also not NOT a war story? That's a 'better' comic.
See also Barefoot Gen, the exploits of a boy during/post Hiroshime - also not really a war comic, but not not one either. (not as good as Maus though!)
Does Asterix count as a war comic? He's constantly fighting off invaders, after all - that's better still.

Honestly, I'm very partial to Garth Ennis's 'War Stories' series. And I was surprised by how great Hebden & Ezquerra's El Mestizo is. Warren Ellis's Crecy is great if you're into Medieval war.

But I guess, in the spirit of this vote, trying to be objective...
YES, Charley's War is the business.

The Mind of Wolfie Smith

respectfully, i think maus is a war comic. part of it's wonder is how it also tells a contemporary strand showing, heartbreakingly, the effects of the most evil of all wars upon its survivors and their dependents, decades later in the (then) present.
it's also one of the best books (in any category) about the Holocaust.

it is genius.
so maus.


Can I include fictional wars?

If so it's the original series of The VCs.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


DDT did a job on me


There are very few scenes from war comics that stick so vividly in my mind, as that of Charley, when asked by an officer what he is carrying in a sack replies: "My mate, Ginger, Sir."

That one single panel fully encapsulates the absolute horror and waste that is warfare.

Charley's War tops them all for me.

Colin YNWA

Love Maus. I'd almost dare to say Barefoot Gen is better - that story cut me up and I'm a massive fan of the vast majority of Garth Ennis War Stories (and associated like Battlefields) stuff... but its still Charley's War!


Rereading Maus, when it briefly hit the news earlier this year after that ridiculous banning, I was struck that however much it is a thing of undeniable worth, it's not a particularly 'enjoyable' comic. In that, I'm not sure it's particularly well-told or makes the best use of the medium.

Charley's War, on the other hand, rewards multiple rereading by seemingly being better every time. It's not only the best war comic ever produced, but probably has some claim to being the best comic series ever to come out of Britain. And it's my perennial answer to the question "oh yeah, what's a better graphic novel than Watchmen eh, you contraband knobend?".


Rogue Judge

 Yes, it is the greatest ever!

I have all the Titan hardbacks and love em...still tempted to double dip into the 'newer' Rebellion TPBs.


I'm going with the first 8 issues of Ennis' War Stories (The Vertigo ones). I absolutely love Charley's War but these have the slight edge because they're not restricted by the rhythm of the 3 page episode and, since they're not for the kids market they can hit a little harder.
D-Day Dodgers which has similar themes to Charley's War in that it's the working man getting shafted by the elite. Very powerful and there's a lot of righteous anger there.
The Spanish civil war one (Sorry, can't recall all of the titles). - great Carlos art. educational without ever shifting the entertaining from the centre stage.
The fun one - great little tale of some WWII having a break from the horrors of war.  Great art by Dave Gibbons.

If you've not checked these out: do. This is definitely some of Ennis' best work - mature, thoughtful  and free from some of the more extreme elements which I know some folks have had issues with in the Boys or Preacher. And some glorious art throughout.

The Mind of Wolfie Smith

staying with maus, overall.

but art-wise, i'm going with john cooper's dynamic contributions to johnny red. oh, for a proper complete collection ...


  Yes, it is the greatest ever, if not the greatest comic story ever