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Forum’s Fav Thrill - Feral and Foe vs. Durham Red Rd 3 Heat 54

Started by Colin YNWA, 22 June, 2022, 06:04:34 AM

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Colin YNWA

Round 3 heads towards its conclusion and things aren't getting any easier. It's time to start thinking about how hard Round 4 is gonna be cos lets face it as we near having just 64 thrills left we know they are all (well almost all) gonna be beauties and the tough ties we see this week will be the regular head scratchers in a couple of weeks time. Arh remember how easy Round 2 was!

Doghouse double bill today and the deadly and delightful Durham Red, doubles down on the Top Dogs ... appearance... damnit couldn't think of a 'd' word there. It's all her iterations we need to consider here, which makes DR a much trickier thrill to decide about. The thrill only just saw off Return to Armageddon last round. So goes into this against new favourite Feral and Foe, who've only had a see off Juliet November, as a slight favourite? Let's see how that plays out

Feral and Foe - more info


Durham Red - more info

Just reply in this thread naming your favourite thrill of these two series at the beginning of your post (or use Bold tags so I can spot it easily) and say what you like about these wonderful stories after that.

Match ends early on the morning of Saturday 25th June and the winner gets a place in Round 4 (of 9!!!).

What on Earth is ALL of this?

For those that need 'um and can be bothered to follow 'um there's some simple rules

Any questions, just ask as ever - and have FUN


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.




Feral and Foe by a very slight margin, primarily due to it so far being fun and consistent. Durham Red: I like a lot of it, but re-reading the older stuff showed up the strip's weaknesses. I do want to see more of the current incarnation, although I'm aware how divisive it is.

Barrington Boots

Feral and Foe for me too. Fun and consistent is right. I think the solo Durham stuff is patchy and whilst it's had some enjoyale moments in places I'd rather read more F&F.
You're a dark horse, Boots.

Trooper McFad

Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!

Aaron A Aardvark


Weird to compare one thrill that has had consistent writer and artist and tone with another that has had at least three major incarnations. Partly because of that variety, I've got more out of Durham Red, and am generally more excited to see her back in the Prog, either with more of the same or something completely different again!

Fantasy just isn't my bag anyway, so an easy vote for Durham Red.


I dislike both to the same extent... for vastly different reasons. But the whole Red Sonja bikini  tips the balance...

Feral and Foe
DDT did a job on me


Does this include future Red? Regardless, Durham Red it is.

Colin YNWA

Funt Solo

I rate the more recent Durham Red tales, and the entire Future Goddess arc was also interesting. But, I'm hip to the modern energy of Feral & Foe.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


I've yet to get round to reading (or should that be re-reading given I read it in the Progs?) the Abnett & Harrison Ultimate Collection Scarlet Cantos, which came out two years ago. And I do want to see more of the more recent version, but I look forward to Feral and Foe much more.

I've seen comments else where that it's not as good as some other similar strip published else where, but since I don't even know what that is, I'm going to ignore it.

For me it's simply good fun and I welcome it every time it's it the Prog. I'd even go as far as to say if the Abnett Elson combo can only do one strip at a time, I want it to be this over Kingdom.