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GoT: House of the Dragon

Started by Jim_Campbell, 22 August, 2022, 10:25:01 PM

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The Legendary Shark

Marry me, Jim. Let's run away and have adventures together.


Quote from: Jim_Campbell on 22 August, 2022, 10:25:01 PM

Not at all sure about that. It's terribly fucking po-faced — it wouldn't have killed them to put a joke in it. The dialogue creaks with faux-Tolkien riffs and the whole thing plays like LotR with added tits and gore.

Thanks Jim, I will avoid that. Doesn't sound like my cuppa at all.
DDT did a job on me

Definitely Not Mister Pops

Quote from: Funt Solo on 26 August, 2022, 03:19:49 PM
Quote from: Mister Pops on 26 August, 2022, 02:56:54 PM
Well excuse me very much. I wasn't really trying to convince anyone of anything, just talking shite as is my wont. I could have saved myself some bother and not typed that out.

You could have saved yourself a lot of typing too with a simple "fuck off".

Anyway, off I fuck

Sorry if you found my response too blunt - I was triggered (but, y'know, not in a trauma-related way) by your (self-described) shit-post. I don't think my saying "fuck off" (apart from it just being bluntly abusive) would've got across what I was trying to convey, though*.

Philosophy question: if a shit-post is just another label for a troll (verb), then should shit-posters be taken aback when people respond?

*Like, it really seemed as if you were saying that the Parental Advisory stickers (caused by Tipper Gore freaking out about her daughter singing Darling Nikki - a moral panic response) were the equivalent of trigger warnings (a structure that attempts to help trauma-sufferers avoid trauma triggers). Is it really bad that I pointed out what seemed like your mistake, there?

WARNING! The following post may contain poorly thought out nonsense!

I only meant to compare them as content warnings that I take as signposts to interesting media. I didn't take the time to express that to the fullest of my eloquence because it was the arse end of my lunch break. I don't think I expressed my self so clumsily that I equated serious trauma to the threat of potty mouthed rapping and Dee Dee Schneider's fabulous hair and makeup. That would be a very silly thing to say. Even by my standards.

Po-faced seems apt. At least from the trailers. Same goes for that new lotr of the rings show.

I'm probably gonna wait until there's a few more episodes and then binge the thing if there's a good buzz about it.
You may quote me on that.

Rara Avis

I was heavily invested in GoT and when I heard about this I found it very hard to get excited because I was so disappointed with how that ended. I watched the trailers for this but mostly avoided the hype and watched it more for nostalgia and boredom than anything else.

I would like to cautiously admit that it's off to a good start. I think the first episode has done an ok job of setting the scene. We know who the main characters are and their motivations - so far so good. It seems back to the good old dates of serious dramatic GoT which I like. The odd joke here and there can have it's place but I wouldn't like to see a return of the end of witty banter in favour of humour for humours sake (look what that did to Tyrion's character).

However it's hard to get invested having been burned once so to speak so am willing to wait and see how to turns out.

Only criticism so far is that those wigs are terribly terribly distracting - they're just not very good.

Re: trigger warnings. Well they can also be a spoiler of sorts so I can understand why the producers would not want to outline every single thing that might upset people. I was in no way prepared for that scene so it was quite shocking but no more than Ned getting his head cut off or the Red Wedding. I would have thought it was understood that any episode of a GoT series could include scenes that involved sex, sexual violence, graphic violence, murder, mutilation, etc.

Richmond Clements

I really enjoyed the second episode. I totally get the lack of humour complaint, although there were a couple of ironic chuckles in there.
The dragons look awesome and it was nice to see a couple of plot points start to tease out.


Quote from: Richmond Clements on 30 August, 2022, 09:39:43 AM
I really enjoyed the second episode. I totally get the lack of humour complaint, although there were a couple of ironic chuckles in there.

Yes, I did, too.

(Although, I'm slightly bemused that they decided to do 'their' version of the title sequence without, apparently, understanding that the original titles told the audience useful stuff.)
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Quote from: Rara Avis on 28 August, 2022, 10:32:36 AM
Re: trigger warnings. Well they can also be a spoiler of sorts so I can understand why the producers would not want to outline every single thing that might upset people. I was in no way prepared for that scene so it was quite shocking but no more than Ned getting his head cut off or the Red Wedding. I would have thought it was understood that any episode of a GoT series could include scenes that involved sex, sexual violence, graphic violence, murder, mutilation, etc.

I didn't find it particularly shocking either (no more than the other examples you gave) - only thing about that is that none of those things have ever happened to me so there's no logical reason I'd be triggered by them.  There's a very real chance that significant numbers of people watching a programme will have experienced difficulties during childbirth.

Perhaps we need a little warning that if you're triggered by trigger warnings then look away for the next fifteen seconds?


Quote from: sheridan on 30 August, 2022, 12:26:19 PM
Perhaps we need a little warning that if you're triggered by trigger warnings then look away for the next fifteen seconds?

Most streaming services have a "Skip Intro" and "Skip Recap" option. I can't imagine it would be horrendously difficult to put a plain screen right at the start with the words "Content Warning Follows" then enough of a pause to hit "Skip" before the actual warnings start to appear (given that the warnings themselves could be spoilery).
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.

Richmond Clements

Well, I'm still watching!
Some nice court intrigue and hot dragon action in ep 3. 

Funt Solo

I am SPOILERING the fuck out of the third episode:

Episode #3 was very enjoyable - although it had a tricky third act. The main problem with the battle scene at the end was that it had poor storytelling (re. whether or not the help from King's Landing had just been sunk or was still on its way) and pretty crappy logic. It was fun, exciting, dramatic, well-filmed and had a stonking great dragon breathing fire from the sky - which is not something you often get to see depicted so realistically on film, but no logic. That tactic was shit, having no dragon lookouts was shit, having nobody on the big high cliff noticing the army land was shit. (Having the crab king be a weird, silent villain was probably cheaper than giving him lines.) No logic. Fun to watch. Odd, though, to realize that it wasn't really about the crab-dude, but about the lengths that Matt Smith will go to not to accept aid from his brother.

Much more compelling was the symbolism of the aging, slightly alcoholic King being given a great stag (but not the promised blessing of the white stag) to murder, then botching it. He is literally murdering the natural world for no reason. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra kills a boar in self defence then witnesses the mythical white stag - as if she really is being chosen by the land to be the future Queen. Cool!
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Quote from: Funt Solo on 06 September, 2022, 03:58:51 PM
I am SPOILERING the fuck out of the third episode:

Much more compelling was the symbolism of the aging, slightly alcoholic King being given a great stag (but not the promised blessing of the white stag) to murder, then botching it. He is literally murdering the natural world for no reason. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra kills a boar in self defence then witnesses the mythical white stag - as if she really is being chosen by the land to be the future Queen. Cool!

Plus I couldn't be the only person detecting parallels from early GoT?


Quote from: sheridan on 06 September, 2022, 04:10:56 PM
Plus I couldn't be the only person detecting parallels from early GoT?

Yes... when Slightly Creepy Hand makes some portentous remark about the proposed hunt bringing good news, I was wondering whether it would be the same sort of good news Cersei Lannister (Baratheon) got after her drunken husband went hunting in the King's Wood.

I'm warming to this, BTW. And Matt Smith is properly great.
Stupidly Busy Letterer: Samples. | Blog
Less-Awesome-Artist: Scribbles.


Yeah. Was pretty disappointed in the first episode but two and three have been good. I'm warming to Consadine's wet King too.

I'm not too bothered by "Why didn't they have lookouts?" type stuff. For dramatic purposes, it's more fun to show it as they did. The alternative is to drag it out by showing that the Crabfeeder had lookouts. But Daemon was clever and we have a scene of those lookouts being overpowered silently by some of his troops. Some films (heist movies) like to do this, some films don't.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!

Rara Avis

Quote from: Funt Solo on 06 September, 2022, 03:58:51 PM
I am SPOILERING the fuck out of the third episode:
Much more compelling was the symbolism of the aging, slightly alcoholic King being given a great stag (but not the promised blessing of the white stag) to murder, then botching it. He is literally murdering the natural world for no reason. Meanwhile, Rhaenyra kills a boar in self defence then witnesses the mythical white stag - as if she really is being chosen by the land to be the future Queen. Cool!

I'm ok with a little poetic license regarding lookouts and what not as long as it doesn't get too OTT ("they kinda forgot about Euron's fleet" etc)

Rhaenyra has help killing her boar too - Ser Cristan almost stabs her in the face doing it actually.

I saw it more as imagery of their roles - Rhaenyra is free nothing, holding her down or back but Viserys is caught and held by all the politicking of the various houses. By trying to please everyone he's pleasing no one. Anyone else notice he's lost two fingers since then last episode?


Quote from: Rara Avis on 07 September, 2022, 07:15:00 AM
Anyone else notice he's lost two fingers since then last episode?

Yep (probably [spoiler]greyscale[/spoiler]?)