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Fav Thrill Round 6 Round-up

Started by AlexF, 28 August, 2022, 08:38:19 AM

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Still 3 Abnetts, 2 Millses, and a whole heap of "strong female characters

Not to mention a potential line-up for the next 'Best of 2000AD' bumper collection!

Kinda interesting that almost all thrills here are the work of basically one artist, with just Nemesis and Dante representing the multiple rotating art team set.


Quote from: AlexF on 28 August, 2022, 08:41:30 AM
Kinda interesting that almost all thrills here are the work of basically one artist, with just Nemesis and Dante representing the multiple rotating art team set.

Well the thing about that is, that although Patrick Goddard did the last 8 books of Savage, Charlie Adlard did the first three, which was some 180 pages, so it's really a two artist strip.

And, sort of the other way round, even though multiple artists have drawn both Nemesis and Dante, I tend of think of them as "belonging" to two artists, O'Neill and Talbot, and Fraser and Burns respectively.

Colin YNWA

Well at this stage you'd think there'd be no predictable ties left - I mean just look at the thrills that have made it to the quarters. All astonishing thrills... but then.... you do the semi draw and you see that some thrills are just going to romp over others*. Some thrills have the armour of being brilliant and consistent. Modern thrills with the same line-up and core of pure fired modern storytelling and quality.

Others however have the shield of nostaglia BUT also wield the sword of astonishing highlights... and I think that combination will win out most the time.

We'll see... the semi final draw has made sure it won't all go one way...

*note my predictions are rubbish and I would love to be proved wrong here...

Funt Solo

I just need to see the list in front of me:

- The Ballad of Halo Jones
- Brink
- Lawless
- Strontium Dog
- Nikolai Dante
- Kingdom
- Savage
- Nemesis the Warlock

That's an interesting mix of old and new, but I can't help feeling that City of the Damned is still in with a chance.
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.