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Sales Spike!

Started by JohnW, 25 January, 2023, 02:13:28 PM

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And that, my friends, is what a sales spike looks like.
Not just one book, but one of each book.
That makes two books.
(I'm not absolutely sure about the sums, but soon I'll have people who will handle the big numbers for me.)

I realise that you are all eaten up with envy right now, but don't be. You'll be able to say that you knew me when I was just some rando posting on some comics forum, and then maybe people will buy you drinks and ask you to tell them all about it.
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!

Funt Solo

Are they fiction or history? Or fictional history?
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.


Historical fiction. (Is that the same as fictional history?) Anyway, you can read all the blurb stuff on Amazon if you care to.

Dirty Shirt was the book I always wanted to write. Seeing as it got published, I put the rest of my material into a sequel, which is going to be three sequels by the time I'm finished.
Book 3 is with the publisher right now and will be out this summer maybe. Book 4 has got underway but for the moment it largely consists of me staring into the middle distance and periodically hitting 'delete'.
I'm not worried. With sales like this I can do a Lee Child and get someone else to finish the book for me (maybe even Lee Child himself, seeing as he's free).
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!


My publisher is flying in from the UK this weekend and we've arranged a top-level meeting in his dad's kitchen.
With sales for this year alone potentially approaching double figures, we'll doubtless be discussing offshore tax havens.

*Lights fat cigar with high-denomination banknote. Forgets that he gave up smoking twenty years ago. Splutters violently. Cigar goes down front of jumper*
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!

The Legendary Shark

Can you lend us a pony 'til the end of the week, Guv'nor? Just until my agent (at Grabbem, Fleesom & Leggitt) can find a way to market my own book on the erotic tobacco sculptures of Southern Brunei and their impact on the moral development of geography teachers throughout Quebec.

Cheers :D

(Well done, btw.)



Oh God—it seems like everyone's writing about erotic tobacco sculptures these days.
My own books are works of unprecedented originality featuring a boy wizard and a lot of dragons. There may be some BDSM vampires in the next instalment if my publisher thinks the YA market will bear it.

But lend you some money, Sharky? No problem. I had a fifty in my wallet just now. Oh, wait...
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!


Pardon the repeated self-publicity, but I see that my book Dirty Shirt is being given away free on Kindle. Get it while it's hot. I've no idea how long the offer will last.

I may die in the poorhouse, but I'll die with a marginally increased readership, dammit.

If you need to know what it's about you can read the publicity on Amazon.
I just want to add something that those who know me have said:
"I never expected it to be funny," they said. "You know – given that it's set in World War One and that. But it's very funny in places."
"Thanks," I said.
"No, really – given that you're such a miserable bastard, like."
"Thanks," I said. "Go fuck yourself."
Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!

Trooper McFad

Good luck on your sales spike with your "free" exposure
Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!