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2023 Advent Submissions

Started by Trooper McFad, 01 December, 2023, 06:19:56 AM

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Dash Decent

Today's deleterious daily double-up

- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Andy Lambert


I had a bit of time off during an extended period of lurgy so i went a bit mad and drew this. I hope you enjoy. (Not sure how to post images, bear with me)
Original heyyuuuge version here:

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Judge Woody

Yet more snowmen. This time Cliff Robinson


Quote from: Dash Decent on 09 December, 2023, 02:42:27 AM

Tripling? Quadrupling up?
Inspired by Dash Decent and St. Matthew's Gospel (and don't we always associate the two?) ...

Why can't everybody just, y'know, be friends and everything? ... and uh ... And love each other!

Dash Decent

Dash's debilitating daily double-up

Dusty plans found stuffed down the back of a filing cabinet locked in a disused lavatory with a sign on the door saying "Beware of the Management" reveal a planned comic merger than never went ahead: 

Characters from both papers would have been revamped to merge the two.

The Slimms would now feature belli-wheels.

Hit Kid and the Dead Man would become one character.

Famous for her meltdowns, Fuss Pott would be revealed to be the niece of Nick Stone.

Bad Company would be merged with Frankie Stein.

And Captain Kidd would still be everyone's favourite baby.

RIP Ian Gibson, and thanks.
- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Andy Lambert

From The Vaults...
With thanks to Colin YNWA for stepping in for me today while I complete a new piece for the calendar.

Colin YNWA

Okay weird I thought I'd posted this earlier. ANYWAY pleasure Andy Lambert - can't wait to see what you do and LOVE that Tharg.

Here's the latest in my ongoing Calvin and Hobbes mash-up, shamelessly ripping off an actual Bill Watterson strip. I'll post a coloured version down the road, but don't like my colouring (not as bad as my lettering!) so liked the idea of posting this in black and white first.

Judge Woody

Trooper McFad

And now to my 2nd offering - with room running out on my "office" (home) Xmas tree I had to think of a different decy and thanks to a tip from atp I have come up with:


with lights on

In situ in the dark

I'll post my workings on the usual thread at some point this week.

Merry Christmas
Citizens are Perps who haven't been caught ... yet!

Dash Decent

Another deluded double-up by Dash:

- By Appointment -
Hero to Michael Carroll

"... rank amateurism and bad jokes." - JohnW.

Andy Lambert

From The Vaults...
After Mick McMahon.

Judge Woody

Funt Solo

Festive covers, part 3 of 5:

Play "Guess the Artist" on the comments thread!

Coming Soon (on the 16th): Funt's 2023 Review of Ultimate Thrillage
An angry nineties throwback who needs to get a room ... at a massively lesbian gymkhana.

The Legendary Shark
