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Prog 2383: Blood Work

Started by Tjm86, 18 May, 2024, 02:35:40 PM

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Cover work by Culbard – up to his usual standards, excellent colouring and hinting at where things might be heading.
Dredd: Iron Teeth (2) – Percival is definitely the artist to go to for dark, moody and atmospheric.  He's made a name for himself in that respect and long may it last. 

Niemand nicely intertwines the info-dump with Dredd's slow descent into the Undercity.  The introduction of Judge-Professor Hobbes and her droid is quickly dealt with.

Loving the Bakhtin-esque reference with "Call-Me-Rabelais".  This delving into the multiple levels of grotesquerie that reveals the contradictory forces at work in MC1 – total authority versus monstrous anarchy as Dredd digs deeper into both the physical and metaphorical undercity is intriguing.
It certainly taps in neatly to some of the other allusions noted from last weeks prog and the allusion to King's It as well as the Gorbals vampire.  Aligning Dredd with the monstrous of MC1 urban folklore is a deft touch.  There has always been this element to the judicial system and to Dredd himself.

This sets up a neat contrast between Dredd and Hobbes' brief discourse on these and that of the children further ahead of Dredd and closer to IT.  Sharing their takes on the different stories.  Shades of Stand By Me there (if we're going to keep up with the King allusions here).

... and we start to see them picked off one by one but to what fate?  As IT carries off the first of the children, Percival and Niemand impeccably contrast the serenity of a child at perfect peace with the horrors that surround him.  As horror tales go, this is up there with the best.

Intestinauts: Busted Flush (2) An interesting narrative structure to this one as Wyatt leverages the old Livingstone Adventure Books approach.  Following the story takes a bit of effort but the approach serves to underscore the confusing nature of the situation.

I know I commented last week on the various questions the episode left rolling around.  Understandably I was challenged on that and I would have to say that this week does serve to underscore the validity of that criticism.

Answers of a sort are revealed this week to draw a link between the containment lab and the threat the Intestinauts face.  In some respects, more questions are posed by events than are answered.  The difference this time is that events serve to intrigue rather than confuse. 

It might have been better to have started this run as a double episode as this one leaves off in a far more interesting place.  Certainly interest is now piqued for this somewhat sceptical (of this strip) reader.  Be interesting to see where this tale goes.

3rillers: Blue Skies Over Deadwick Well, the episode serves to set things up neatly.  Characters and setting are deftly established.  There is still plenty to wonder about as the story progresses but this is definitely a strong opening.

Brokenshire's artwork is first rate.  A hint of European influence, possibly?  Either way there is a fascinating shift between tight, personal scenes and grand vistas.  Strong, dynamic action is no problem either.

Two episodes to go but the key questions are lain out.  Hopefully this will be landed as well as it is launched.  If so, there is certainly scope for further exploration as a fascinating world is established in a few short pages.

Brink: Consumed (6) There are parallels with Dredd here as the tour of Belleholme Habitat serves as a backdrop to talking heads once again.  Another parallel as Kurtis is led into those hidden parts of the habitat few often go to and even then only when necessary.

This tale is burning slowly as the audience are left to wonder about the body dump last week and Kurtis' colleagues are simply left to their own devices.  The theme of food overwhelms this episode, pointing towards the title of this run.  Of course. there is the question of how the food is 'treated' from earlier runs to consider.  At this point in the run though, little is seriously revealed.  Rather, far more is hinted at.

Proteus Vex: Devious (9) As we've already noted, the utterly alien of this strip is its standout.  Then again, it's also interesting how terrestrially familiar it can seem as we learn more about Midnight and her species.

Where last week events switched to Vex, once again we get another shift as well as a fascinating historical reveal that speaks so much to current events.  As much as it points to the past though, it also points to the future and what is undoubtably going to be a serious confrontation.

Overall then, this is the Prog firing on all cylinders.  Action, intrigue, horror, new worlds ... something for everyone.  It might not be its finest but it is damned close to be sure.


Hard to argue with that. In all, this was a fantastic comic. It's issues like this that make me quite cross more people aren't reading 2000 AD.

Dredd ramped up the horror and intrigue. The last page was chilling and creepy. The so-far silent enemy is leagues ahead of anything Judge Death has been in recently.

Intestinauts was fantastic. That CYOA section was imaginative and chaotic. Everything about this was great.

The 3riller showcased great imagination and craft on the part of its creators, but also how 2000 AD just burns through great material. In the US, these pages would have been well over 20. Maybe more. But what a wonderful start. I hope it sticks the middle and the landing.

Brink continues to be brilliant. Again, it's five pages of mostly talking heads, and yet relentlessly compelling.

And then things finish off with a history lesson of sorts on Proteus Vex, which is just superb.

QuoteIt might not be its finest but it is damned close to be sure.
Indeed. For all people wanging on about the good old days of 2000 AD, here we have a Prog with only one 'classic' strip and yet five grade-A crackers. Top work, everyone involved!

Leigh S

N-AI-Mand leaning into Dick-Dredd with this one.

Does anyone "like" their Dredd to be such a wanker?  I mean, he's a bastard, and he is morally dubious and I dont look up to him in a Garthy way, but when he is blowing his own trumpet about how cool he is it's just plain and simple unlikeable.

Make me hate Dredd by having him oppress the masses please, not having him having a daystick swinging competition with people he would recognise as useful allies.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

Colin YNWA

Well after we had set up last Prog we get pay off and how this week.

Dredd brilliant stuff. For me Dredd here works, cutting to the case and being dick as he's all about the crackin' on is very Dredd. Loved this one.

Intestanauts well its always been fun, but this one double downed on the fun!

3riller - Blue skies over Deadwick like a lot of 3rillers we kick off with a blinder. Engaging imaginataive and just superb. The trick with these things is keepin' it up and sticking the landing but David Baillie has good form havinf written my favourite ever 3riller so I'm optimistic.

Brink - I mean its brilliant is it. And am I over reading things by seeing Halo Jone and Toy page 1 panel 5?

Proteus Vex - I mean it runs Brink close its that good. Wow loved it - why is this ending!

Superb Prog.

Le Fink

I love Brink!

Not sure about Halo Jones. I need a screen grab with a circle on it!

I like the way Bridget's hair is wafting about in zero-G, but Dougie's got that tight 'fro. Nice attention to detail. And people are just... floating around. I'm surprised Bridge hasn't seen gravity slums before on other habs. Obviously money is a still a thing on the Brink - presumably food isn't provided for free, in general? There must be a relief effort for all these homeless people. Presumably some population numbers could be derived from that?


Quote from: IndigoPrime on 18 May, 2024, 03:13:48 PMDredd ramped up the horror and intrigue. The last page was chilling and creepy. The so-far silent enemy is leagues ahead of anything Judge Death has been in recently.

Totally agree. Percival is knocking it out of the park with the creepy art and it's a great horror suspense tale so far. Hope to see more of this Dredd team. Move over, Judge Death

Barrington Boots

Looks like a raft of Saturday Progs this week. As a sub the Prog always seems that little bit better on a Saturday.

Dredd I'm in the minority and going to say I'm not into this at all so far. Dredd is being a complete prick - which I expect to an extent but he's really dialled it up here. The childrens dialogue is a bit overly wordy and the villain doesn't excite me. I'm actually glad most others are digging this though, as it means it's a personal taste thing.

Intestinauts Absolutely terrific this week. I loved the CYOA bit - bonkers and very imaginitive, yes! The art is superb here too. My favourite bit is the robot using the saw robot as a weapon but its packed with cool, crazy little touches. Top thrill for me this week.

3riller I thought this was a really, really good opener. Great and unusual premise, mystery set up, cool artwork, great stuff all round.

Brink Very engaging episode. My favourite one so far. As a vegetarian the stuff with the meat plant was just so horrible - synthetic meat is something I like the concept of, but the part where the workers shock it to produce fear / pain response - for some reason this appalled me so much. Great writing. I am deeply suspicious of Wade with his knowing everything and everyone.

Proteus Vex continues to be top notch. Very visceral episode - the flashback scenes of Silk murdering her way to conquest alongside those of Midnight doing more or less the same, with the terrified faces of the Citheronians as she rampages through them was not lost on me. Glad to see the little axe-wielding bandana guy survived at the end.

Very strong Prog again. Thanks Tharg!
You're a dark horse, Boots.


Here is an interview related to the 3riller (be warned their might be some spoilers in the interview):
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


A very good prog which showcase a lot of diverse stories and art – top notch line-up high five here

Dredd – Creepy stuff as Nick Percival is the perfect candidate to paint these scenes.  I saw some people complaining that /Dredd isa bit of a prick but that is how I enjoy his being (he is not a hero he is the Law). Enjoying this run.

Intestinauts – Some interesting developments as we are pulled further into the story. Interesting concept on how the first part is depicted – I feels like back in days when Diceman was still active.

3riller – A very good start to the 3riller and I am already pulled into the world. As the story progress we are intrigued and fascinating to where this is heading. Now, the biggest problem we these 3-parterts for me normally is how to end lands (it can make or break the story)

Brink  – Kurtis are shown more of the habitat and the signs related to the sect (and if you were ever shown how they produce certain products you will be "cured" for life).  Excellent episode, slow burn action at its best.

Vex – Some great world building continues as we are apprised how the Citheronian Queen got her power and how she literally ensured her dominion (but Midnight has something to say about that). Brilliant episode, Vexless episodes keep on pushing the envelope.
When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.

norton canes

A promising new fifth strip to complement the existing line-up ensures another imperious prog.

Is Dredd really acting much more of a dick than usual? Doesn't seem much different to his usual sullen self. Have to admit I'm not a great lover of the style of the Percival droid's art (though of course objectively, the standard is phenomenal), that sort of soft, air-brushy finish, but that fifth page totally won me over. Will Dredd somehow get Marsha Hobbes killed and claim a hat-trick of female characters' deaths?

I haven't tackled the Choose Your Own Adventure aspect of Intestinauts yet - it was too early in the morning to get my head around that kind of stuff - but it's always great when a script droid pushes the boundaries. The only slight peeve I have with the strip is that it's now so good, it deserves more than to be wedded to the jokey, one-dimensional concept of bowel disorders. Time for the diminutive droids to break out of their gut-based genre? Blue Skies Over Deadwick was beautifully imaginative stuff - perhaps a little bit blunt with the exposition, but I guess that's understandable when you've only got three instalments. Actually this first episode did seem like a complete one-shot Future Shock in itself, with the final page reveal.

And how, just how do you decide whether Brink or Proteus Vex comes out on top? They're both operating miles into all-time classic territory right now, but they couldn't be more different. For me, the Carroll droid's script has slightly shaded it over the past few weeks but Dan Abnett's magnum opus roars up fast this prog, and that spectacular cover might just be the tie-break. Although four-axe Citheronian might say different. 


Nice to see from the Thrills of the Future ad that Honor Vincent is getting a regular strip in the prog. And about time too.
AIEEEEEE! It's the...THING from the HELL PLANET!


I loved this episode of Intestinauts! Simple but very effective.


When I die, I want to die like my grandfather who died peacefully in his sleep. Not screaming like all the passengers in his car.

Old age is the Lord's way of telling us to step aside for something new. Death's in case we didn't take the hint.


I've always found the Percival droid's artwork a bit hit-or-miss in the past, but he is *really* knocking it out of the park on this one! Stunning work. I think I might finally 'get' his digital style, it's certainly making me reconsider some of his earlier work. Bit of a lightbulb moment for me!

And more musings on something nasty about to hit Mega-City One.
I reckon the Niemand droid has got something big he's setting up...