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Brand new Dredd movie synopses online!!!

Started by tharg^s man, 11 May, 2003, 04:29:11 AM

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: : The problem for me is the same problem that seems to be addressed in evry other comic film, is character set up. Dredd is a hard law man, a fascist of sorts, it is difficult to set him up as the worlds greatest lawman in prose or in a voiceover it really needs to b shown.

Yes, I agree with you on this. But, maybe we are going to see something which establishes Dredd. The synopsis reads:

"The first day Dredd sees action, Callahan naturally accompanies him. Tragically, Dredd fails to save his mentor from falling to his doom as they dangle over the city..."

Sounds like they are trying to show Dredd's background here. And it sounds like a cool scene, hanging over the city.


Why go for the traditional action film? Use Dredd as an icon, not an action hero.

Arguably, JD is essentially a representation of oppression. Okay, not every week, and a tough bloke with gun and a helmet is the mechanism used with which to explore that - but guys with guns has all been done in the movies, not least in 1995!

What the world needs is a comment about where we are now - globalisation, terrorism, war, futility - and not just another escapist SF caper.

These are big issues, that the JD universe is perfectly able to address in a meaningful and entertaining way.

The two synopses (sp?) are bullshit - the kind of thing an 8 year old could come up with.

Whoever is in charge of these films should apply a bit of intelligence and art to their creation.

There's a chance here for a genuine classic film, not just another franchise - why dumb-down (again) and become part of what JD and 200AD have been damming for the last 25 years?

The film should become the peak of JD's public perception, not just a spin-off. So, I go back to my earlier example of "America". This is great - it's about the influence of an oppresive regime upon hope and freedom, things as valid today as in 2100 (or 1960, even).

Surely that's more worthy than another bunch of explosions?



I just registered with the arguewithscojo newsgroup.

And I never knew I could laugh so loud. Not at his messages, but at the way you can slap him down EVERY, SINGLE TIME with the slightest ease.


Keep up the good work people! The decent world needs your help!
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


Why does 17 or 18 years have to pass? is it a must have for each story?

The DEATH story is the only one that works for me, and it might have good tie-ins,

DDT did a job on me


It starts funny... but the madness will start doing strange things to your head. Just say no...


It's okay man, I can handle it!

It's not like it's a problem, I can stop any time I want!
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


Someone said back there that we need an ORIGIN story... I'm afraid I don't see why we would.  We never got one in the comic, in fact we still haven't save a few quick flashbacks, and we get by fine.  I also don't see a point in readjusting continuity so much.

Slippery PD

My comment may have been intrpreted that way, so its me.  

What I meant was that we need to empathise with dredd, se why he does what he does.  Remember that Dredd actually upholds and defends the justice system, unless someone (usually another judge) corrupts that.  The problem is that we start with someone questioning the system right at the start.  No setup of th Justic system no dredd defending it and if this is the case we give out the wrong impression.  

Yes I agree we dont need an origin story, what we need is a simple Dredd story that will make Dredd th hero, not some Fascist bully boy flunky who wants to protect a system, that seems inherently wrong.  This is where I believe the films are misguided.

I think a story along the lines of the Pit, Hunters Club, Graveyard shift (tm Watcher) would work much better.  But I am no script writer or producer, so all usual provisos apply........  IMHO,etc etc etc

Yer Slippo


FWIW, I wish they'd just put all their money into the second film, as that sounds quite good. The first one sounds, well, crap, and too much like Stallone's movie from '95. Ah well, even if they do suck, it's unlikely that they'll almost kill the comic this time...

Jared Katooie

Is it just me or has Scott become our bitch? No matter what we say or do he still comes crawling back to us.

It's kind of sad in a way. Single man. No friends. Living with his cat and typing scripts..
