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Is it me or is Slaine crap?

Started by Matt, 12 May, 2003, 05:09:53 PM

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Generally Contrary

I'm not sure that it's *crap*.  

I think that the recent runs of Slaine and Darkie's Mob have shown that a lot of the early 'epic' stories were written in an episodic format that does not necessarily translate well when collected.

Slippery PD

I actually agree with Smiley here.  Its not really crap.  It just a Hotpotch of ideas, some work some dont.  The battle sequences are great, some of th fights have been fantastic.

I have been worried the Mills had himself in a rut idea wise, this is on the other hand brimming with them.  Possibly too much.

I think its difficult too judge 20 years later a thrill.  Im enjoying it.  But would like something else now.

Yer Slippo

The Monarch

I hate slaine i hate slaine i hate slaine repeat ad nauseum...

Darkies mob rules though i really hope they reprint charleys war and verudus next or even football crazy aieeee blakee pentax!!

Generally Contrary

Yes to Charley's War.  But I think we should have a chance to read the Starlord Stronty stories rather than 2000AD stuff.  'Beyond 2000AD' is a great idea, especially if they can dig up some little known gems rather than big name stuff.  

The Monarch


I kind of liked how it worked in context: there I was, reading reprints of this story about a celtic barbarian, which I knew would eventually connect with the Slaine The Kind stuff in 2000ad, when suddenly everything took this weird 90 degree turn into Atlantean Sci-Fi stuff. It was all a bit mad, and great.

Re-reading it now it doesn't have as much of a surprise factor, and some of the mad ideas just aren't as mad as they we're then, but the magics still there and I'm still finding it a great fun read.

Queen Firey-Bou

hmmmmmm 'Mils' 'hotch potch of ideas', mm never...
still at least time killers was more about Crom Cruach & preaching celtic mythos to us, & less of the usual, worship the goddess she good, hate women they all backstabbers claptrap....

actually i think i'll head off to the meg thread for a little rant while i'm on...


One of the things I do like about time killer is the fact that it's not restricted by it's genre. I think somebody was talking about that maybe in the matrix thread. Any way, those creatures that feed on love. What a class idea, and they look disgusting enough to make an 11 year old go ewwww. Hmmm much give it to my little bro to read. I'm sure he'd love it.