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Prog 1340

Started by Tu-plang, 12 May, 2003, 05:53:09 PM

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No-one got it yet?

Going off the website, that is a truly awesome cover.  Gibson's style has really evolved over the last few years.

Why does that man rock so hard?

W. R. Logan

got mine.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.


Got mine and enjoyed it cover to cover.*

* The shortness of this review is un cosmic balance to the length of my Meg 206 review (a legitimate alternative to NYTOL)

Be excellent to each other. And party on!


I got it.  TOP marks to Gibson for this cover.  Dredd looks fantastic!  Also even thought the background is bare, it's been really well done.
On a par with my favourite stuff from Halo Book 3.










Good Prog.

DREDD: I don?t know if it?s the coloring, but aside from Blythe?s work this looks like the emergence of the Henry Flint style school. Clear and strong artwork, atmospheric too. And the story is also good. Nice cliffhanger (Even if Dredd must be getting old to fall like this for the rookie*g)

CABBALISTICS: You know, ending a whole series for now with a cliffhanger like this isn?t nice. I truly love this stuff. The perfect combination of the old pulp-horror with the new pulp-horror, Kadath in the cold waste and witty one-liners. Great. Can?t wait for the next installment.

INTERCEPTOR. After a rather blah begining this becomes fun. Surely not the most profound story ever told, but quite enjoyable.

ABC WARRIORS: Like the art. I am not big on the characters, but the last page was funny.

SNOW/TIGER: For a story being at first grounded in the daily headlines this has wandered far too much into James Bond territory, which is somehow a shame. What could have been a juicy and controvers story is now only your typically action-adventure-stuff, safely removed from reality. Nice touch that the villian at least hides his face while giving the standard how-I-will-destroy-the-earth speech. And I don?t believe for a second that a veteran like Tiger would go babbling around after getting no response in the first place. I mean, come on, everybody could be listening at the other end of the radio. Why doesn?t he waves a flagg? Artwork is great, though.


the cover wasnt as good as a lot of you said i didn't think. dredd looks good but it wasnt amazing

the dredd story h0owever- great, lovely art and a story that keeps surprising. really enjoying this one. (by the way after this one is it 'revenge of the chief judge's man' next?)

caballistics inc- wow! one of the best so far. just love the art and its really developing.

interceptor- cant get into this. dont like the art and dont think the script is much good either :( worst part of the progs since it began

abc warriors - great as usual.what are floppies??

snow/tiger - again, wow. some people dont like it but i reeeally do. class

finally- a picture of the cover for all of you to drool over :)">



Floppies are human beings.  

Nice NICE Art on Dredd, approaching a dangerously classic style!  Quick, someone step in and ruin it by giving Dredd a two foot long chin!

The scenes set in the reservoir were realy good.

Enjoyed ABC's again.  Good stuff.  Particularly like the look of the Rev, a touch of Lee Van Cleef's.  

Particularly enjoyed the pompous 'kindly leave my religious beliefs out of this hammerstein'.


Cover - Reminds me of the latest L.o.E.G. for some reason. Not sure why.

Dredd - Looks great, stories okay too. Keen to find out why the rookie is acting the way he is.

Cabalistics - Great story, great art. This had better be back soon. Real Soon.

Interceptor - This is okay stuff. It's never going to be my favourite but it's not actively bad either.

A.B.C.'s - Coming along nicely. I predict that the next part will end with a revelation shot of the Shadow doodahs.


Snow/Tiger - See Interceptor.

Andy Diggle

I mean, come on, everybody could be listening at the other end of the radio. Why doesn?t he waves a flagg?

One word: encryption.

Link:" target="_blank">Andy Diggle Forum


And the Thrills of the Future box should keep anyone complaining about The Squirrel's ABC art happy: Full colour glorious Ezquerra Alpha & Wulf coming soon!

Really enjoyed Dredd - totally didn't see that coming!  What's going on? Find out next week punks!

Caballistics, Inc. is still fantastic.
Interceptor is still great fun.
ABC Warriors is good, but not classic as far as Warriors go.  Also, they've all changed personalities too often that they're losing their individuality.

Snow/Tiger is coming accross a bit Moonraker isn't it?  But that doesn't bother me, it's still jolly good fun.

Tra la la thankeee to Thargypoos.
Better set your phaser to stun.


cover BRILLIANT why cant they all be this good the only way to improve it would be to put in a speach bubble

Dredd: v.good am enjoying this want to see more art like this aswell

cabal: a rather dissapointing ending to a very good series why like the last one was it cut so short? give it a longer run

inter: still a bit confusing but i like the art has anyone found out what the little ball is yet?

ABC:Very good i like this story a lot also the art seems perfect for it hope it continues for a while

SNOW/TIGER: just seems to be getting silly to me must have caught the Asylum virus. and does anyone know why hes wiping the people out? AND i bet the boss turns out to be black.



Caballistics is the stand out story for me, the rest's good but nothing gets near this at the minute...well done GR and Dom.  Scary Jenny!  Woo hoo!  And what does she mean about knowing all Hannah's secrets, eh?  Can she read minds too?  This is excellent stuff.  More soon please!


"I mean, come on, everybody could be listening at the other end of the radio. Why doesn?t he waves a flagg?

One word: encryption"

Lol! Okay, I humbly shut up. ;-)


Actually, I'm liking the shorter runs of Cab,Inc. Keeping 'em coming in short sections frequently makes it feel like one longer story that's ne'er too far away from the next bit.

Top marks for Rennie, Reardon & TMO.
Better set your phaser to stun.