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Prog 1340

Started by Tu-plang, 12 May, 2003, 05:53:09 PM

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COVER: An okay cover, I'd give it 5/10. To be honest I've never been a fan of Ian Gibson's Dredd. Halo Jones and Robo Hunter yes, Gibson's a genius, but Dredd, sorry, his style's never worked for me.

DREDD: Fantastic art. This is exactly how Dredd should be drawn. Please let's see more of the Goddard/Teague/Blythe combo on Dredd art duties in future. Nice story as well with a good ciff-hanger ending. I was honestly hoping the Rookie would turn out good, but alas it's not to be. I'm just wondering what cartridge he shot Dredd with. Was it Hi-Ex, as it certianly made a mess of Dred's Eagle shoulder pad?

CABBALISTICS: Cracking, well paced story. Considering I usually dislike this  style of minimalist black and white art, I'm finding myself strangely drawn to this series. And while short story runs normally turn my off, I'm finding that in this case these small easily digestable chunks (sounds like dog food) are just right for my enjoyment of Cabilistics. Looking forward to the next part.

INTERCEPTOR: Not a classic, but enjoyable in both art and story. looking forward to seeing how this develops.

ABC WARRIORS: Still don't like the way Ezquerra's chosen to draw this (looks really rushed), but enjoying it none the less.

SNOW TIGER: Outstanding art, although I still say Tiger's OICW is drawn too damned small. Bit confused by the writting this week. What was that bit about space? To me it's unclear whether Snow is being held hostage in an Ex-Russian space station or in an underground bunker?

CONCLUSION: Great prog. They just keep getting better and better recently. Shame about the Meg recently tho.


Last of the V8's

Hooray, got the prog and a stonker it is too.


Snow is in a bunker under the snowy wastes.

a) she says they have 'bunker burster bombs' that could blow them all up.

b) Tiger would surely have noticed the rocket that transferred her to a space station, he certainly noticed the rocket at the end of this weeks part.

Andy Diggle

I would have thought a top secret govenrment organisation could have somehow got hold of the original file in photoshop and clicked on 'undo' to remove the mosaic effect.

Yeah, scrambled digital transmissions are always sent as PhotoShop files. ; )

Link:" target="_blank">Andy Diggle Forum


"You know on TV they use squares to hide thier faces,
But if you squint your eyes you can recognise the rapists..."

(You don't 'alf get some clever bastards, and bastards don't come cleverer then Carter.)
Better set your phaser to stun.


 Tu-plang (any relation to kd?)
Floppies are human, ie not hard like robots,
This is similar to the way Tank crews refer to squaddies as Crunchies the noise made when crushed under track!!( Logan might confirm this)

This week's tooth was as good as it should be, am I the only one who hates finding out in the Meg how long a story isgoing to be? if you know something is a two parter or a six-part it takes some of the fun out of it.

Still too many T&A shots in Interceptor for my liking, would this happen if it was Johnny Alpha and Dredd in the Cursed Earth?

Snow tiger's good if slightly meglamaniacical(!)


DDT did a job on me

esoteric ed


Nice little turn around in this tale at the end, but yet another chunk of Dredd blown away by the looks of things, no doubt the tale will simply end with his arm in a sling or the like.

Love these Dredd tales which partly focus on the mystique and dedication of the man.

Cool, next week should be good.



Proud - I don't like knowing how long strips last either. Sure, you could not look, but that's hardly easy is it?


Yip, there's other info on that page, Graphic novels, titan books etc, maybe we should tell the mighty one?
DDT did a job on me