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Moan, Moan, Moan.

Started by W. R. Logan, 25 January, 2002, 10:37:04 PM

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W. R. Logan

Moan, Moan, Moan, is that all this message board is good for, I don't like this, and so and so is crap. Jesus H Christ is there nothing else to talk about or are we just going to see the usual vocal minority slagging off the same thing, post after post, week after week? If you don't like something you have a right to say so, after all its your ?1.40 you've just spent but can we at least give reasons why, and see if a thread or discussion can come out of it.
The story you hate, may be really popular with loads of others or the story you hate could be equally reviled by loads of people, but the same people keep knocking the same stories and spouting off the same crap, at least lets have different reasons and arguments for it.
Personally I can't stand Sinister/Dexter, never have and never will, to me it?s the biggest pile of arse ever printed, but apparently it's one of 2000's most favourite strips, go figure. Somebody out there likes it but it sure as hell ain't me, and to spout off my dislike for Dowlodes duo week after week would soon become boring as hell. For every story you like there will be someone who dislikes it, fact of life. If you dislike something then try and make some point so that this message board can turn into a place of discussion, instead of somewhere where short posts appear and not many great threads are generated or a place for Scojo to talk about, movie scripts and his cat.

Remember after all its only a bloody comic.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.

Link:" target="_blank">The Class Of '79


For what's worth I really liked this weeks prog. I thought Dredd was really well written. I loved the way we never heard Dredd speak, a very emotional story without old stoney face actually displaying any emotion. Hopefully this is all building towards something. Can't wait for Leaving Rowdy. For what it's worth I don't think Dredd will ever be replaced. I'm pretty sure we're going to see Rico bite the bullet at some point. The father son relationship between the two could well be exploited to see Dredd suffer, to feel some pain at the death of his clone son.

Too much sex in Nicolai Dante? No way, the guys a womaniser. And it's funny.

Shakara. Can't believe it's generated so many postings. I'm waiting to see where it goes.

Thread Zero

Shooshi says meeewaoo to Logan.

Go bite him!

scojo annoying Logan no doubt


I don't know if you ever have, but you could post some topics yourself, that aren't criticism based, ignore the ones that aren't, and lead by example, moaning isn't going to change people's minds, if that's all they enjoy anyway.


Couldn't agree more about this week's Dredd. I made the point recently that we never seem to have any consistancy with Dredd's motivation. Last week we had Dredd ordering raids on mutant settlements, this week we have him contimplating his advancing years while putting his life on the line for someone others might have seen as not worth the bother. Pretty diverse, but I love these "Dredd as more than a bully boy with a daystick" stories.


>but I love these "Dredd as more than a bully boy with a daystick" stories.

I think there's a happy medium between the two, which is the place where John Wagner writes from.  Alan Grant's 'Dredd as fascist bully boy' stories of the last few years are pretty dull and repetitive, but Robbie Morrison's frankly mawkish sentiment stories go way too far in the other direction.

His most recent Dredd story was well written, but way off target in characterisation.  He just doesn't seem to be able to get a handle on Dredd and his style isn't suited to the strip.


Couldn't agree more, Grant and Morrison tip the scales a bit to far either way.  Their stories are still well written though and otherwise enjoyable.

I think you are dicing with deadly dangerous death by of a decidedly dicky description by posting here though.

Watch it now.  careful as you go.


Yes yes yes.
Congrats on being Mr Daddy LongLegs and wot not. If it it is you. My very good friends have recently become parents to a lovely bouncing boy, Rory, who had frighteningly long finger nails.
but ye dont hear me whingin about ...ah...whatever.
Yer right though. theres a lot o yelping goin on.
perhaps they`re gay?
Or idle from eating the fat of cloned pigs.
Or something.


It wasnt you.
Congrats to Wake!!!
It was the double U`s that confused me.
Has anyone got any Rennies?


Come on!
My chest is like a hornet eating a big ball of lava!!!