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Princess Diana, mutant superhero?

Started by Misanthrope, 12 July, 2003, 12:54:48 PM

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Just saw this on the BBCi service.

"Marvel Comics has scrapped an idea to portray the late Diana, Princess of wales, as a mutant superhero.

In a statement the company said "upon reflection" it would remove Diana and all references to the Royal Family from it's upcoming X-static monthly comics.

Marvel had planned to introduce Diana as one of a team of mutants in a five-series storyline called Di another day.

Buckingham Palace has so far declined to comment on the issue."

Did you know Christ was a werewolf?


Yeah, there was a storm brewing in the tabloids about it last week. Whether they pulled the plug cause of that or the same sort of thing stateside i guess we'll find out
The perspective on that chairs all wrong

Richmond Clements

But what was her mutant power?

Manipulating the media?
Feigning doe eyed innocence?
Playing the self-rightgeous victim?

La Mer

surely this was someone in the bullpen having a laugh at the papers expense? stan lee can pull some wicked practical jokes,,,,,,

Last of the V8's

It was solicited to be published in September in preveiws so I don't think it was a joke.
Still got Marvel some publicity.

Lobo Baggins

++surely this was someone in the bullpen having a laugh at the papers expense? stan lee can pull some wicked practical jokes,,,,,,++

I think Pete Milligan was the writer, so it may very well have been a joke.
The wages of sin are death, but the hours are good and the perks are fantastic.

Leigh S

But didnt she actually appear in this/last months?

Leigh S

"I think Pete Milligan was the writer, so it may very well have been a joke"

Too true, as anyone who read the last Bad Company now knows.....


Sounds more Morrison territory than Milligan.  I'm no fan of the monarchy but having someone's dead mother as a superhero is pretty damn tasteless.  It's a pretty sad way to get kicks and publicity, if it was a joke it should have stayed in the bar and not been printed as an official realease.  Shame, as X-static is the only x-comic I'd touch with a bargepole.

Maybe Milligan could get a job writing copy for the Franklin Mint, they sell tasteless crap.

Slippery PD

RAC it realy isnt fiting to speak ill of the dead.  In fact I believe this is what Milligan was looking to investigate through the strip, the cult of media.  

Diana was/is famous solely due to the fact she married someone in the Royal Family, the beckhams are famous because he has a good right foot and she cant sing very well, Tara Palmer-Tomkinson is famous for being a posh bird with a drug habit.  Is this really what we want fro our society?  And may I add I have no axe to grind with any of those I have mentioned.  Diana is a strange one though, married to a bloke who is part of a family who are the rulers of the nation because the church of england didnt want another catholic king, so they invited a german instead.  This german couldnt even speak the language and ISTR refused to learn. She also married some bloke who obviously didnt love her and she was married soley becasue she
a) came from a good family (with a longer history than the windsors may I add)  
b) was a virgin
These outdated concepts of royalty are rather peculiar.  Sure she was f*cked up but I cant help but I feel being in the Palace would f*ck up most of us.  So although I dont feel much pity for her, I think shed probably be alive today if charles had told his parents to stick it and married who he obvously wanted to marry.

Still enough of that.  I thought that this series would have been brilliant and an investigation into the cult of celebrity, which is so prevalent we get Big Brother, Im a celebrity get me out of here, survivor, etc.  No wonder we have a nation of morons......

Yer Slips    

Slippery PD

After PVS's post Id like to add that I too thought it was a rather tacky idea.  But after reading a couple of interviews with Milligan, who has said repeatedley he would not show her in a bad light and was investigating Cult of Celebrity through this means seemed fairly reasonable.  It would have been a strip Id have to have read before passing judgement.  

Yer Slips


That reminds me of some graffiti I saw in Alias, "Jesus was a mutant." I'm surprised they got away with that, what, with all the American fundies.


Oh well, at least you will still be able to buy those hidious figurines from the Franklin Mint...

Richmond Clements

"RAC it realy isnt fiting to speak ill of the dead."

Sorry if I offended you, Slippo, but this I cannot agree with.
The royal family disgust me. Diana disgusted me when she was alive, and that view did not alter when she died, however tragic that may have been for her children.
You're right in what you say about Charles, and the fact that she would probably still be alive if it wasn't for that family.
But let's remember she went into the whole thing with her eyes open. The woman was not stupid. She knew exactly what she was doing, wandering through a pretend minefield, or getting 'interviewed' by Bashir.
She used the press cynically as a tool to further herself, and for no other reason.

Anyway, you're right. Big Brother! What a load of balls.

The strip sounds like a kind of BLAIR ONE or that Morrison Hitler thing to me... we'll never know now.


For some reason I've been thinking of the 'Diana Princess of Wales Memorial Full English Breakfast Plate of Hope' all morning :)  Now that was a work of art.

To be honest I was sick of seeing her when she was alive and I rather foolishly imagined it would be the end of it when she died.