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Shakara - the truth

Started by Mole, 29 January, 2002, 07:57:23 PM

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Forgive me if this has been mooted before, I haven't been able to keep up with all the posts in last few weeks.

I reckon Shakara is some future/alternative incarnation of JD. Look at the shoulders, and his(?) head - aren't they a bit too reminiscent in shape to be a coincidence? And then there's his incredible combat skills etc.

I agree it seems weird, as the two stories are so dissimilar in style, but surely that would make it all the more shocking when the truth is revealed (like The Dead Man).

mad Mole

almighty mat

  Well that clears that one up then. Cheers.

2000AD Online

Whuhh? There were actually people who didn't guess the Dead Man was in fact Dredd?


Shakara is in fact a pop singer with a good disguise but a bad alias.

Link:" target="_blank">



I reckon behind the mask is another Shakara (SKAHARA!) and so on, like Russian Dolls.

Or nothing.  One of them two.

Or... I'm not sure if it really matters, if it isn't related to any of the exisiting 2000AD strips, then who cares what Shakara is?

If it isn't I'm not sure what amazing revelation there could be.  20 Years ago, it would have turned out to be a girl or an old man.  But now, what could it be and still make us give a toss?  A human, alien, robot, nothing?  Ungh?

Isn't it enough he shoots people?



not just shoots people. a couple of weeks ago there was a bit where he killed that humungous blobby teethy creature in a manoeuvre - I'm not sure what it's called - that Lone Wolf (of Lone Wolf & Cub) uses. You know the one, where they kind of lunge at and past each other, it looks at first as if nothing has happened, then you realise the loser has a sword-shaped gouge in their torso and he/she/it falls over dead.

I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.


Yes, I am familar with that particular method of killin'

My favourite killin' comes from Fists of the North Star. Where he hits them in a certain mystical way and they appear unharmed.  They says...

"You are dead but you don't even know it."

Cue exploding head.

I want one of those Shakara (SHAKARA!) Gene muto things.  

Cor think of the 'avoc I could cause wiv one of them!


The best one has to be in "The Quick and the Dead" where Gene Hackman can see the sun shining through the bullet hole in his own head. Brilliant


What a brilliant concept, a mysterious vengeful creature appears from out of nowhere wreaking havoc amongst the ranks of wrongdoers and vanishing just as suddenly uttering only a single word: Credo!, no that is...

Oh well the artwork is lovely.

almighty mat

  Surely the best film death ever was in Bad Taste, when Peter Jackson jumps chainsaw first from a hole in the ceiling, saws his way right through the tubby alien's head and body and comes out, in piles of gore, between his legs-"I've been born again!". Classic. Bet there won't be anything like that in the Lord Of The Rings films.


Ah the killin'

But seriously folks, I believe Shakara (SHAKARA!)is a composite being of all the obliterated races in the world of Shakara (SHAKARA!), combining their best features to destroy the evil empire.

For me, it may have been a week too late, but the introduction of a plot, and a lack of information about the humidity of medical supports has ended in a rather pleasant thrill infusion.



My favourite's in the climax of Society, where the hero pushes his fist into the villain's stomach, reaches up into his head, grabs his face from the inside, and pulls him inside out!



Not as good as the one in Bad Taste where the hero leaps down the bad guy's throat and chainsaws his way out the back way...


I must admit I've not seen any of those (frankly disturbing) scenes that's been mentioned. However, the goriest death scene I have seen has to be from Robocop, when an unfortunate criminal gets covered in toxic sludge then gets splatted on a speeding car's windscreen. Ugh! You can't buy that for a Dollar!


Probably best not to mention anything from Braindead then.