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Death Question with possible SPOILERS

Started by WoD, 30 July, 2003, 05:23:57 PM

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Am I the only one who thought Phobia and Nausea were a rubbish idea? One step away from a Dark Judge dog called Bones, or something.


I used to think that Judge Fear was female, must've been the dress-esque cloak thing.
Better set your phaser to stun.

W. R. Logan

or the fact that the fears power was because she hadn't put her face on which scared people


I really like the way this thread descended from a serious discussion on the nature of Death's abilities to jokes about the sisters.



Rotts - it's the way they all go.

Hmm, back to the powers of Death...

Can he push his hands through any solid matter, or just through a body to it's heart or brain, etc?

On second thought, don't worry, it's too hot to get all comic-book-guy about the details, I'm just gonna enjoy the story.



The way Death kills his victims in the original story, mysteriously reaching inside their chests and squeezing their hearts, is a tremendously subtle and creepy idea, and still sends shivers down my spine. I think it's a real shame this degenerated later so that he just seemed to shove his hand through bodies any old how. It may be more entertaining for the artist in terms of drawing guts flying everywhere, but IMO it's not nearly as effective for the reader in terms of scaring the bejesus out of you.


I used to think that Judge Fear was female, must've been the dress-esque cloak thing.

Only the other day I was thinking it'd be interesting if Mortis or Fire were female.

And while we're talking about the Dark Judges. Does anyone else think they may have been the inspiration for the Cenobites?


Damn, you're gonna give me nightmares now.

On the subject of cenobites I have a set of CLIVE BARKER'S HELLRAISER comics for sale if anybody wants 'em.

And other various Hellraiser stuff. Used to be into it as a kid, scares the shit out of me now.

Your "big girl" James

The Enigmatic Dr X

I've found that stuff that didn't bother me as a kid now disturbs me. For example (and I know the effects are ropey) I recently saw the films Demons and Day of the Dead. Again. ANd both were much worse than I remember. What's next? Maybe I'll start wetting the bed
Lock up your spoons!