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Bad Compnay - Kroolathon

Started by paulvonscott, 01 February, 2002, 11:25:17 PM

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Yes, once more Bad Company has slipped below five points and at the risk of provoking another Bad Company Backlash (yes, I understand a complicated story that looks like a crisp packet isn't to everybody's taste) I would just like to ask all those Bad Company fans who are pleased to see Danny and Kano back and ready to kick a planetful of Krool butt, if they could spare the time to vote for the series.

Come on, it's doing as badly as the strip about aliens that look exactly like human skeletons!


I'll admit that it's looking good now for "Bad Company", but I'm reserving judgement until the whole story's told. And don't mention "Skeleton Key" again; I made my views on that score quite clear ...


F*cking 'ell, I'm sorry messrs Milligan, Ewans & McCarthy, almost as soon as I mentioned it, someone voted BC a '1'.  

I can guess that from my statistical analysis (or summit).  I voted the last Nicky Dante a 6, and I don't even like the strip.  I don't want to provoke more people (then keep your mouth shut dude!) but...

Are people voting tactically?  I mean a '1' is really f*cking abysmal.  So far I've rated Tao De Moto, Zippy Couriers (actually I think I gave that a 2) and Robo-hunter (bad robo-hunter) a 1.  Stories that made me want to kill.  Just because you don't 'get' the strip can't make it that bad surely?

Oh well, I think I'll just keep out of it, I'm doing much more harm than good.  Pehaps if people could vote a '1' for me (which let's face it, my ego can cope with, it's twice the size of the nearest gas giant) instead of the strip they'd get it out of their system :)  

A f*cking 1.  Of all the crap that has adorned the pages of 2000AD in the last ten years you voted BC a 1. I know Matt's already voted so there is someone else out there, oooh I'll get you!

Oh well, never mind, each to their own I guess :)


Still a happy bunny despite the rant!

ha, ha, oh well, an interesting end to an evening of beer and sillyness.


This current outing for Kano (is it really bad company?) seems to be simplistic, it has been writen with very little historic reference and moves far too quickly. I've missed the introspective feel of the early 900's stories and the rawness of the older ones in this 'filler' I just don't think it advances the story. In support of zippy there was a definite story behind it. It was just throw away like firekind (an excellent tale which I loved) and Silo (which I hated but like now) it just shows that the 2K has some wonderful ideas when it follows the throw away formula I just disagree with what I feel is a throw away bad company story, I suppose the 900's bad company stories were like that in a way but they still reminded us that kano was a man. Tne current story seems to have been writen by a twelve yearold and I hate that because milligan has always been a hero of mine. These scripts just seems clumsy and there are some cringeworthy dialogue choices. I'm sorry if you read this Pete but it just doesn't match up to hewligans haircut which was a master stroke or even tank girl which was superb. I say bring the hewlett/milligan team back it was superb


>I say bring the hewlett/milligan team back it was superb

Oh yeah, I  bet Jamie Hewlett is just dying to do comics again  ;)


Yes, I only remembered Zippy Couriers still has fans after I'd posted this, I forgot, I've done this before.  Sorry.  Funny I don't get my Tao de Moto fans complaining (oh, what have I said).

ZC was the antithesis of 2000AD for me, I don't like throwaway, but I appreciate it has it's fans, funnily enough it always felt more like Crisis material.  Anyway, sorry.

For what it's worth, I think Bad Compnay (notice recurring typo) is just the same, in its polarising ability.  I think they've made a conscious effort to make it so it's easy to read all the books in one go and not notice the gaps too much (a big gap).

It almost seems a bit unfair to compare it to stuff they did a long time after BC, but I get your point.

What I really want to know is did you give it a '1'


All the best



Sorry, but Bad Company is Bad, there are no points 'cos there is no point to this bland regurgitation of past glories, it's RoboCop 3, Batman and Robin, The Phantom Menace it's tired, come on guys give us something fresh, zingy, cerebral and zappy!


Like Storming Heaven eh?  I get you.


yep, I'm quite a sucker for Zenith type stuff, not so much superheroes in the old vein but more stuff like the Authority, Invisibles, Watchmen, The Nazz, Luthor Arkwright, Elric etc. etc.

Wow, never really realised there was a connection until now, but I think it's Parallel universe type stuff.


Well, b*gger off, I set this thread up for Bad Company fans!  It's been taken up by the most unmannerly curmudgeons!

No seriously, I liked Zenith because although it was a super hero strip, it also seemed the be a science fiction strip. I mean how can a strip with Nazi's in be all bad (you wot?).

I think storming heaven is only tenuously SF, basically it's a superhero yarn.  Every comic on your list that I've read, I can only agree with you.


Well, I like the new Bad Company.

And I liked Zippy Couriers. But then I liked Deadline more than I ever liked 2000AD, so what do I know? :P

2000AD Online

Or mebbes that Milligan chap is too busy writing episodes of 'Crossroads' to give his full attention to 'Bad Company'.