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DvD Demo

Started by CraveNoir, 17 September, 2003, 07:57:33 PM

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Slippery PD

He be a pirate, oo-ar


Yer Slips



If 'im be a poirate, whoiy's he on a combine 'aaaarvester.


I'm getting depressed about the whoe pirate-gag experience now...


"If 'im be a poirate, whoiy's he on a combine 'aaaarvester."

'Cos there baint be no dosh in galleons no more, but there be plenty in EU bloody subsidies.

Ooo-arr, pass the pasty, 'im's worrying moi sheep etc. etc.



Had a few more goes.

I got stuck on a wall or crate a couple of times when I was sentencing a perp and had to restart. I assume that's cos it's the old build?

Stumm grenades are good. Incendry is nice, especially on the SJS. The weapon feel underpowered. It's not just the weak sounds, they don't do enough damage. Surely one or two standard shots should bring down a normal perp? And explosive effects aren't that explosive.

Seems like everyone is guilty except the vagrants. Being able to blow weapons out of perps' hands is great. The death-cultists just pick em back up though.
I like the fact that you can just take out the bad-asses in black, and the red & white guys give up.
I was able to get all the way through without killing anyone except the harcore cultists which I liked.

I think a graffiti artist kicked me so I punched her. I may've killed her. That's probably a bit harsh for resisting arrest!

The sentencing read-out bears no relation to the crimes you see, which is a shame.

As with the first time I played it through I had great difficulty finding the last part of the map. Opposite the Mega-Store (i think) is an 'alley' that turns left at the end, but it looks like a dead end unless you go right down to the bottom. Overall, it's easy to become disorientated, and backtrack looking for something you may've missed.

From looking through the script files it appears there's a training level. And from looking through the EXE there doesn't seem to be any surprise characters from the strip showing up.

I think Dredd's voice will get irritating after a while, especially if I go around arresting everyone. Which I will. Filthy scum!

And a note to the devs: check the subtitles for comma errors like not putting one by a name. Like this, Mk13.


To quote myself,

It seems movement slows as you lose health.

I must've imagined this, or the game went chuggy while health was low and I made the assumption.

One idiot point to me.


I liked it for the depiction of MC-1 and the fun of using a law giver. Also the intro where Dredd took out 3 guys with his bike had me LOL.

Also, did anyone notice that if you look up at the sky in the rain (guess Weather Control was out again)you can see the rain droops splattering on your visor. Nice touch.

Alas the AI sucks and the Arcade games were "play once and forget" novelties. I hope there are some decent servers for MP when it gets released.

Something Fishy

should this demo work with a sidewinder controller?

cause i can't see an option?


Why is the demo an old build? Surely thats not much of a good way of showing it off. That and the original buggy sound of some bits in the reviews won't make people too interested in buying the game.
I can understand it for an early demo but the game should have been out the same day the demo came out.