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Next week's cover...

Started by James, 26 October, 2003, 12:04:22 AM

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Queen Firey-Bou

sniffle but thats what i said....

 even noisybast is ignoring me now... saffin raffin wait til next time Arts on kitchen duties, i'll show em all whos top bitch around here... mutter mutter


What's that you say Noisybast, Synnamon's got the wrong coloured hair?  

Well, let's face it, we were all looking at her baps anyway weren't we?

Hey, whose that woman coming towards me on a scythed chariot?


I have a few tornado's, some great covers, including one that is obviously Alan Grant listening to a record of the Flying Scotsman on a fancy Stereo system, and blimey, the train only comes through his living room don't it?

Bet that made the Moniaive parish magazine.


Yep, it shows how much better the strip would be if Gibson was doing the art for the whole thing. She's got a 'proper' waist there, not the 'drawn with a pair of compasses' look that the strip has. I mean, it's not bad, but this cover really shows it up. I mean, imagine if Gibson had done the covers for the later Robo-Hunter and then we opened the prog and discovered Rian Hughes doing the strip? Bleeeaurgh!!

I'm liking the story though.


Ooooh, that IS nice.  

Gibsn really knows his laydees!!

I'm kinda liking the series too, more than Durham or the prison one.



Doesn't it look like she's just got one giant tooth at the front?
The perspective on that chairs all wrong


"but thats what i said..."

Oops! So you did.

Sorry, Bou - that'll teach me to pay more attention to the board, and not get distracted by the eejits on the end of the phone, eh?
Dan Dare will return for a new adventure soon, Earthlets!

Queen Firey-Bou

sniff, well i suppose thats okay then, But my hairs a much nicer colour isnt it?

I SAID "ISNT IT !!!!!!"  ?????

grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... .

The Monarch

If the strip gets better i'll stand in the middle of gerge square in my underware and sing britney spears songs for an hour


Bou, red will always be my colour of choice for the ladies

i even managed to get mrs thinky to take a picture of Famke Jannsen in all her Jean Gray glory to the hairdressers when getting a new colour put in

and as mrs thinky is as lovely looking as Famke.... yum

you think this isn't me? that's so sweet...


Ah, the Gibson gumshield that afflicts most of his women, although some are "lucky" enough to have a gap in the front.

Not a bad cover, but it pales in comparison to the previous one in almost every way.