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Started by ARRISARRIS, 30 November, 2003, 12:44:08 AM

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I was wondering if anyone could point me in the right direction on the net as to where i can buy cassette versions of albums i can only find on CD at the moment. You see i have this friend who doesnt yet have a CD player in his car. But i wish to buy him something for christmas that he can play. Any ideas???????


you could always tape them for him, or make up a really annoying compelation: 'Now thats what I call ArrisArris 47'.  ;p

DDT did a job on me


Buy him the CD and copy it onto a blank C90 for him as well...



Ebay is probably your best bet for cassettes now.


There's a music shop in Ashbourne, Derbyshire, which still stocks cassette versions of the latest albums. Though by 'latest', I of course mean about six months behind and mainly restricted to Celine Dion ...
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


or tell him to get with the 21st century

Queen Firey-Bou

Oy ! my car still only plays cassettes ! Its getting hard to find the blanks tho. yeah buy a cd & copy it, if you buy a proper cassette it'll just get chewed anyway.


tape's were always shit. vinyl was cool and cd's are cool but tapes sucked from day one.


I love listening to music in the car.

But it started chewing the tapes.

"It's okay," I thought, "I've still got the radio."

Then the arial got snapped off in a car wash.

And now I'm careful not to say anything about my car ...
+++ implementing rigid format protocols +++ meander mode engaged +++


How much were you thinking of spending? Because you could probably buy a c.d. walkman as a gift for the same price, which would be more usefull.

esoteric ed

I have hundreds of tapes here which I never play much these days.
I've started transfering the more obscure ones to Mp3/CD using Audio Cleaning Lab by Magix, nice little program which allows for much audio tidying if you're that way inclined.

...anyone remember these? :-0


judge dreddd

i tape from cd onto cassetttes, have my own 'best of tapes'...much cheaper than buying a cd burning kit


Bought a library copy of Jaws the other day in case you wanted it. Do you want the details?

esoteric ed

A library copy David? tell me more....please :-)



Black background, sketchy white shark, photo of a beach in the mouth.

4th edition.

Original price ?3.95.