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The Debate Debate

Started by paulvonscott, 02 February, 2004, 11:17:07 PM

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Queen Firey-Bou


Your perception was not right, hence my reason for coming back at you.

If as you say this view is based on your casual observation and without prejudice, then I would suggest we have entirely different perceptions of discussion and debate and thus an awful lot to disagree about.

Such are the length of the controversial threads now it is becoming excruciatingly painful to plough back through them in order to disprove an accusation of any unfair play. You did/said this. No I didn't, it was this. Etc.

Your perception is your own right of course, as is mine. It would seem some of those who use this board would share your views, as I can find not a single instance in any dummy-spitting episode where I have apparently provoked hostility through anything other than [a] posting a firm view on a subject or defending an unjustified attack on my comments.

I'm not claiming any misunderstandings or misreadings into anything I have posted either; I try to make points as clear as I can.

And it was me breaking noses, mate, not you - I would have thought that little slice of hypothetical wit was rather obvious given most people are apt to agree with you on recent posts - put it down to another misperception.


I've added a Debate category, but there won't be any special moderation on debate threads.




I wasn't asking for moderation Wake, I was suggesting it be self regulating, by the people who use it!

Thanks for doing it, as I said not sure it would work, if no one uses it, just take it off again.


Hey! Never tell a deranged [right, paul?] man to calm down!

Grr! Raa!


Mr D

Well done Wake, yet another swift move to improve the site. This is the only board I've been on where I really feel we're listened to and valued!


fact is message boards like this are primarily for no life cranks with too much time on their hands with an axe to grind (proud to be one) and anyone who thinks differently should GTF.



"I can find not a single instance in any dummy-spitting episode where I have apparently provoked hostility"

Well, that's provocative at the same time as saying you aren't.  Double irony bonus.

Seriously, that's enough for me rc, Ive thought all along you were scojo, I'm sorry if I'm wrong.

Mr D

While some of the things that rc has said have been inflammatory, few have suggested he is scojo. However people being under this impression has led to very negative reactions to his posts, which I think is just silly. Very silly....


and workers with nothin' to do at work!!!

CU Krestel


Seriously, pvs, how is that provocative?

Devons Daddy

yes, i tried to start one on the graphic novel approach. which has not got heated. but has given me some great posts to consider. which is what i was hoping to get. a differnt view on my own thoughts.

PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!

Devons Daddy

thank you wake

good decsion. good idea PVS.
PJ Maybe and I use the same dictionary, live with it.

NO 2000ad no life!