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2f2f and mc1 law enforcement.

Started by Valhalla, 08 February, 2004, 02:39:04 AM

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Heya Guys,

I watched 2 fast,2 Furious the other day. Not a bad movie as far as big dumb fun goes.


Anyway there is a part in the film where the FBI fires a rocket powered harpoon device into a boy-racer car. The harpoon thing has an "electronic disturbance" device in it and effectively shuts down the car. I thought this was pretty cool and then found out on the directors commentary that this device does not yet exist.

So my question is.... Does the sort of device anywhere in Dredd's world or another realm of sci-fi?

I remember in the Dredd story "The In Club" Dredd used a BULLET!! to stop a hi speed chase. Has he ever used anything more sophisticated??



The harpoon doesn't exist irl (and wouldn't it have called for massive accuracy from what I remember from the film?) but I've seen on some police stop type show something similar where something akin to a speargun is used to fire or prod (mix of both I think) a probe into the car in front that is breaking the law and then give out a massive electric shock. Course you'd have to be close to use it.

I can think of several examples of good use of technology (esp sonic blasters but also tractor beams, laser grids) in MG1 over the years.
