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Started by IndigoPrime, 16 February, 2004, 07:46:59 PM

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Nah - flagrant bouncing good :-)


Nah - no need. I guess I can always ask the missus if I want to know! :)

Leigh S

Well so far it's Barbarella with Nordic Space Lesbians - a winning pitch in todays Command module climate it seems.  It's a lot better drawn than Space Girls, and seems to have more of a plot, so I'm not dismissing it too quickly,  That said, just how many "sexy girly" tales can 2000AD take before reaching saturation point?  Of the ones we've had recently, this one might be the most unnecessarily graphic (I kind of agree with all of mbanners points) but it might also turn out to be the most fun.

The only real 'problem' I have with Valkyries is the fairly obvious impression that I'm reading nothing more than the sexual fantasies of an old man who wants to be a Nordic Space Lesbian (we knew all about the slime thing, Mr Moore, but this is all a bit of a shock!) - a laudable aim to be sure, but perhaps a bit too transparent so far...?


And as Gary mentioned yesterday - it's very female Nikolai Danteish.

Well it seems fun enough so far, even if it is reminiscent of the Space Girls.
Or maybe more Pussyfoot 5 'cause you've got the fat blobby one.
Better set your phaser to stun.

Slippery PD

Its not bad.  It does remind me of Pussyfoot 5, though Im not entirely sure why.  It did take a couple of reads to get into it, but that may be due to the large number of characters introduced.

Yer Slips


Wide panels on either side of the art - does that imply that it's heldover from before the page size change?


Yeah, I thought of Barbarella, too.

I actually quite enjoyed Valkyries, mainly because the art is of a very high standard, but it's also obvious 2000AD just isn't for kids any more.

I wasn't as incensed by this as I was by, for example, Durham Red's new outfit, but I still found it pretty disappointing.

The nudity isn't totally gratuitous - the plot is centred on a dying, decadent empire, at least - but it is everywhere, and I'd argue that's a bit excessive.

However, the only part I thought went too far was the "insertion" sequence.

It's all a bit more suited to Heavy Metal, isn't it?

Anyway, the art is very good and the story is engaging, so I'm not blowing my top just yet.

- Trout


It also reminds me of Promethea - lots of 'Godess' style women etc.
Better set your phaser to stun.


(had to dash off for lunch then)

...message continues...

Yeah reminds me of Promethea a bit, with the 'other' Promethea's all hanging out together with similar dress sense.

I'm sure that Steve Moore would have read that seeing as he's buddies with Alan Moore but, hopefully, we'll be saved from learning about hippy snake 'magick' along the way.
Better set your phaser to stun.

Last of the V8's

Oh boy.
2000AD hits a low. It is poo.


I thought the introductory page was a bit redundant, given that the "pop-up interactive" lady pretty much talked us through it anyway.

Just read "Ranx" from Heavy Metal and this stuff pales by comparison on the explicicity front, mind you elements of Ranx are plain dodgy IMO, but yeah Trouty this does look along the same (adult) lines.


I didn't read the intro page, other then to check the names of the 5 main characters.

I tend to skip all these intro pages; if you can't pick it up from the story, you don't deserve to know it.

Better set your phaser to stun.


Over at Marvel, where into pages are compulsory, Pete Milligan seems to have geiven up on intoroducing X-Statix completely and just gone off on a long and somewhat entertaining rant about why Superman couldn't beat Thor in a fist-fight.