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Things to come... Savage!

Started by Patrick, 25 February, 2004, 01:22:14 AM

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>Are there many missing episodes in the issue?

I believe there are.  Like the Darkie's Mob reprints in the Meg, it was judiciously edited to bring you the Very Best of One Man And His Shotgun.

I got a big kick of of the Savage EE, 'cos it had the episode featuring one of my favourite bits of really early 2000AD; that cross-section of the Brit Resistance's secret base, complete with underground Hawker Harrier hangers.  I used to love stuff like that.


Yeah, I don't mind a best of Savage, the best way to give people a taste of the strip.


Heh. Personally I think they should have given the job to Ennis...


It's got the one where Bill uses a roadlayer machine to run over a squad of dirty Volgs, and crushes them into a bed of boiling tar.  Classic!

And there's even a half-page Bonjo from Beyond the Stars strip in it.  Zarjaz!

Come to think of it, Bill's basically a 2000AD Punisher, isn't he?  The dirty Volgs, they invaded his country, they killed wife and kids, they changed the taxi regs to make him go south of the river after it's payback time!

W. R. Logan

>I got a big kick of of the Savage EE, 'cos it had the episode featuring one of my favourite bits of really early 2000AD; that cross-section of the Brit Resistance's secret base, complete with underground Hawker Harrier hangers.  I used to love stuff like that.

Was wondering if the farmhouse in Norfolk was supposed to be where Pat, Alan & John used to work out of 8-)

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.


"Personally I think they should have given the job to Ennis..."

Good Grud No!  Ah, it would have been hideous.

Leigh S

Almost happened as well - theres an old issue of Ark with some sketchy details of Ennis proposed revamp, including a preliminary character sketch by Phil Winslade - no sign of Savage in it though - may have just been set in a Volg controlled Britain...

Leigh S

Forgot to add:


  - no-one commented yet on the EEC badges in the preview?

judge dreddd

needs an update, none of that shotgun crap, night vision goggles and special forces garb

oh and gangster tactics etc....

odd bin bomb aka ira ideas etc.

ere, how about a gas attack on the volgans eh kids..of course we need 'you kill one volgan, we kill 10 civilians' reprisals from the old volgans

lots of 'terrorist tactics' interplay opportunities here....


Yeah, I remember that.  Dunno why it never happened.

Re. the EEC badges in the Savage revamp.  The totalitarian regime in Glimmer Rats was a future-version of the EC.

2000AD: eurosceptic to the core.


Grim and gritty urban terrorism mixed with dark humour? It sounds like ideal Ennis material to me... and it would move him out of doing Dredd, which I think we agree on not being the best showcase for his writing, even if he does love the character.

Of course it's never gonna happen, but idle speculation is what the interweb is for...


Heh. Now I'm going to have to pitch a "Euroshock" full of pro-EU propaganda to act as a counterbalance...


Come to think of it, didn?t Ennis do a pretty spot on Savage in the 25th Birthday party prog?

Byron Virgo

"Heh, first page gets laughs. BBC THREE announces the invasion of the Volgs."

Typical BBC. These days everythings got to be shown on their digital channels first.

I remember some years ago, Ennis said he had at one time wanted to write a Bill Savage serial which was set some years after the Volgan war. Savage breaks out of the mental hospital where he has been sectioned, and roams the streets convinced he is still battling the Volgs. Ennis did say at the time that he thought the idea was probably crap, however.

(By the way, does anyone remember the incident involving Bill Savage, numerous mortar-boarded Oxford dons and some crazed waterfowl in ill thought-through Invasion prequel Disaster 1990?)

"Do what? You're 'avin a laugh, aintcha sunshine? You wanna watch your mouth son, otherwise I'll bleedin' well Geoff yer, gottit?!"

The Amstor Computer

Don't know, that might have had potential. Shame the Bogie Man got there first...