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cour reconvened due to appeal for moore

Started by fraston, 04 March, 2002, 02:41:44 AM

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Steve Moore future shocks. despite their apparent lack of quality, there are some gems. this is a simple case of prejudice and wannabee-envy (i say this as the most persitent attacks on moore have been by those who claim to be writers of the future).

i draw the parralell to steven king movie adaptions: generally considered to be shite until one lists the few good ones and the list just grows.

best discussed down the pub.

anyway, i liked steves future shocks in general as well as telguuth so let them walk free!


>steven king movie adaptions

Dead Zone wipes the floor with the rest of em though...

Oh, and on a Walken tip, if you're in the market for some top notch snakey-eyed scenery chewing (and if you haven't seen it yet), check out The Prophecy, wot is on telly this week.


The Shining, Dead Zone, Misery... yes I see what you mean.

Curses! I thought I was onto a surefire winner there. But then I didn't expect Telguuth to be saved either.

Nathan - off to re-read The Vileness of Scromyx


seen the prophecy, top flick it is too.

The Amstor Computer

...what I really hate about Steve Moore's writing?
His "finish the sentence in the next panel/page" obsession.

Aside from this, his work is usually readable, sometimes enjoyable & rarely complete shite. He's not one of Tooth's greatest writers, but he is competent & sometimes inspired.

Tales of Telguuth is the best thing he has offered 2000AD in the past few years - this, Future Shocks & Tharg's Terror Tales should be in regular rotation, offering the maximum scope from these one-offs.

Thread Zero

Red Fang looked like it was meant to carry on.  

It hasn't.

Case proved. S Moore isn't that good.

Argue with that munchkins!


The Amstor Computer

>Red Fang looked like it was meant to carry on.

Indeed it did - and I'm so happy it didn't. Dull from the start, with some of Steve Yeowell's worst art EVER for the mag - and it hasn't improved with time.

I'd far rather see Rain Dogs & Vanguard return than suffer another story about that wanker.

(constructive criticism is NOT my forte tonight ;-))

>Case proved. S Moore isn't that good.
>Argue with that munchkins!

I couldn't possibly. If you judge Moore on Red Fang alone, he should be enjoying the fate of the droids in Night 2 Remember.


Here we go, some more charred pages saved from the fire.  May I repeat.  May I repeat.  That just because it is on the list it does not mean that it is crap.  Just that ONE (ONE!) person didn't like it.  This is not the point of the crown court. The point is to find something that nobody likes.

Secondly, yes, some things may be missed off.  the judge has a tendency to turn to drink when the gibbering is in high force.  And thus things may be missed off.  Please just point them out. Again.

Thirdly, I would ask people to keep it as impersonal towards artists and writers as possible.  We didn't all get the chance to cruelly rubbish other peoples talents or lack of them in the 'A Night 2 Remember' strip.  But if you have a genuine grievence then so be it.  All it takes is one person to save them.

Fourthly... fourthly, I've erased this point because it was too bitchy by far.  Let us just say, that I (the judge) am right and you (the general public) are wrong.  How fair can I be?

What the Hell!  Let the crown court continue!


Anyone can join in!  Basically we're trying to find a story that no one likes and at the same time showing that even the most maligned strips have a friend.  As long as it hasn't been freed already, you can nominate anything.  There is a separate list for the many Dredd related strips.

Agent Rat - Babe Race 2000 - Black Light - Chronos Carnival - Colony Earth - Dry Run - Flesh: the Legend of Shamana - Green - Grudge Father (the) - Harlem Heroes:  Modern Era - Junker - Kola Kommandos - Mambo - Night Zero/Beyond Zero - Para Sites/Wirehead - RAM Raiders - Rick Random - Roadkill - Robohunter (Millar) - Rogue Trooper: Fleischer Era - Rogue Trooper: White Era - Rose O'Rion - Skizz III - Slaine: The Secret Commonwealth - Space Girls - Survivor - Tor Cyan - Trash - Urban Strike

Red Razors (2k Version) - Supersurf 13 - Harry Snotter - Star Drek - In the Year 2120 - Chopper:  Earth, Wind and Fire -

Just say you like a story (even better if you can put forward a convincing case for its defence) and it is freed and added to the list of the freed strips.

THE LIST OF THE SAVED... "Walk towards the light!"

ABC Warriors:  Khronicles of Khaos (Doug), Ant Wars (Logan), Armoured Gideon (Anaemic Newt/Wood), Bad Company 3 (PVS), Big Dave (Wood), Blackhawk (Milo), BLAIR 1 (Wood), The Clown (Wellsy), Danzig's Inferno (Wood), The Dead (Wood), Dead Meat (Wood), Dinosty (Watcher), Finn (Blackblood), - Future Shocks:  S. Moore (Fraston) Helltrekkers (PVS), Kelly's Eye (Wood), A Life Less Ordinary (Wake), Maniac 5 (Wood), Mean Team/Mean Arena (Anaemic Newt), Medivac 318 (Wood), Metalzoic (PVS), Really & Truly (Wood), Sancho Panzer (Logan), Shako (Milo), Shaky Kane/Shaky 2000 (Wood), Slaine: Entire Post Horned God Era (Matt), Slaughterbowl (Wood), Soul Gun Warrior (Wood), Strontium Dog:  Final Solution (Blackblood), Tales of Telguuth (Fraston) Tao de Moto (Steven LT), Time House (Wood), Vector 13 (Scojo), Zippy Couriers (Steven LT/Wood), Zenith Phase 3 (Jayzus BC) (Steven LT).

THE DREDD LIST OF THE SAVED... "Walk towards the light creep!"

Dead Man (Scojo), Helter Skelter (Logan), Inferno (Wood), Necropolis (Wood), Judgement Day (Wood), Tale of the Dead Man (Logan), The Warlord (Logan)


"Thirdly, I would ask people to keep it as impersonal towards artists and writers as possible. "

I apologise if my pop at Steve Moore's Future Shocks was perceived as an attack on the man himself. Although I personally didn't like Red Fang, Killer or Tales of Telguuth either, I only intended to bash his Future Shocks. As I mentioned, he has a long pedigree in comics and it would be ridiculous to suggest he is a poor writer just on the strength of a tiny fraction of his output.

So, sorry for any misunderstanding.

By the way, in Tom Strong's Terrific Tales #1 there is a very good Steve Moore strip called Jonni Future. Well worth a look.

Nathan the chastened.


No, don't be chastened by me (you have recieved no official chastisement in the courts books).  

It's just I know from past experience that having a dig at someone who turns out to be someone elses mate is the equivelant of bobbing for apples in caustic soda.

So it's perfectly justifable to say Steve Moore's future shocks as you did.  Not liking his Future Shocks or Tales of Telguuth in itself isn't a crime.  Not yet.

But if you then went on to call him a wazzock and say he wears a dress while breastfeeding goats, it probably wouldn't.  As I know that is completely untrue. (Weasels)

So it was just a general point to say that it is probably best to reserve  contempt for the strips rather than the person as we don't want to upset anyone.  And likewise it not to get upset just because a favourite strip or writer has ended up there.  

It was once such a happy thread.


The Nefarious Mr P


See my upcoming thread:

That 'insert artist/writers name', he's a complete 'insert expletive' aren't they?

A sure fire winner.