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support my comic addiction!

Started by stront692, 15 March, 2004, 05:25:09 PM

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or help - need space,
i am presently working 15 boxes of stuff in no particular order before i sit down and work out how much i have actually made (at around 30 listings a day im sure the profit is low, thats ?240 a month on listing fees alone)

stuff ranges from videos to books at the mo (i cant to the comics or videogames till after this lot)

anything thats priced high is either bcos i paid that much for it or npbs leave me no choice but to charge that much to make my listing fees back - there are very funny stories attached to several items and a few unfolding at the moment, if u have a problem just leave it and move on

Link:" target="_blank">help need space desperately

test 4 echo

cant you reclaim fees from NPB's? couple of clicks (somewhere) wait a few days and you should get them credited.


unfortunately the aforementioned buyers hed me up far too long to do that, thats only the first 45 days and u have to have sent a payment reminder (which u cant do after 30) or an npb 10 days earlier

in the early days i was a lot more patient im afraid, now its not financially viable erally


of course things also used to for a lot more money then too (or unfortunately in this case)


just putting this back near the top


...hiya Stronty, so where does all this stuff come from that you are selling, and do you have a full time jobby?


hiya mate, this stuff comes from my spare room at my mums house - which usually is full but at the mo im living in it as well (usually i have a flat - i did try buying but got gazumped lots and all sorts so...)

so theres not a lot of space :o)

u wouldnt believe it if u saw it but im hoping to move out again soon, and yes i work nights as a rule,

i dont think i have insomnia but i just dont tend to sleep much, i try to list all similar stuff each day but some times i get carried away reading while im listing

i have a buying id now as well, since i picked up the negative - theres just no sense in ruining a good selling login u see ;o)