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Dawn of the Dead Remake

Started by Shewrog, 20 March, 2004, 02:31:08 AM

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Has anyone else seen this yet?
I've just got back from seeing it and it's REALLY DAMN GOOD though 28 Days Later has obviously had a big impact in the states!

Good Shaun of the Dead preview as well!

If you go, make sure you watch the end credits all the way through as well.


I went to watch Dawn of the Dead last night at a preview at my local UGC and was really impressed, especally by the choice of music in the movie. Good acting (for a zombie flick) and some great action and cool zombies, easily as good as the origanal and Im a Romero fan.

Plus the movie had the full Shaun of the Dead and The Day after Tomorrow trailers, Nice.


Link:" target="_blank">Dredd Times">


Yeah, I agree, wonder what the Day After Tomorrow will be like? Hope it delivers.

Well impressed by D.O.D. though.

Last of the V8's

What a great movie.
Respectful of the original, gorey as hell.
I didn't think fast moving zombies could be scary but Dawn pulls it off in spades.
This what Resident Evil and 28 days later should have been.
Can't wait for the DVD.

Mr D


Wow, good. I gave up on this after I rewatched the original. I'll have to see it now.


As a huge fun of the original I thought the remake was excellent. Respectful but different, can't say fairer than that. They were probably filming it when 28 Days Later came out so I doubt it was too much of an influence though, anyway as much as I loved 28 Days Later it owed a huge debt to DOTD (with a welcome dose of Wyndham for good measure)
Can't wait for Shaun of the Dead now, oh I love zombies, zombies and werewolves.


Great! saw it last night in gorgeous Peckham,pearl of south London.
  Music's great, opens with Johnny Cash.
Much better pacing than the original, thank allah.
Less social commentary, more shooting and biting.
Really good fun.
These are the people Rebellion should be talking to for a 'City of the Damned' or Necropolis film.


haven't seen this yet but the sight of Sarah Polly arms out surrounded by zombies covered in gore is enough to get me in...

CU Krestel


mc1juve - that the ?2.99 per ticket Peckham Multiplex?

'tis me local.
Better set your phaser to stun.


Yeah ! Peckham Multiplex rocks! Had this mad bunch in with us who all properly screamed all the way through.
 And ?2.99 to boot.


I havn't sen this but just watched the trailer and it looks real good...

But there is no chance of me getting to see it.  I noted there was a pregnant womwn in it and something seems to happen with that, the wife will never go with it.

She watched the opening segments of the Fly 2 (the birth scene) with me years ago and was heavily pregnant at the time - needless to say it left a lasting impression.


I'v ebeen trying to talk the wife into going to see this for weeks but all to no avail*. The baby thing would put here off right away (haven't even mentioned that) but zombies in a shopping mall would put her off going shopping at Meadowhall (her favourate past-time jusging by our credit card bill). I love the original movie, just got the excellent new R1 dvd the other week, and word of mouth has got me really excited for this.

*Damn scaredy girlies :(



Well, sounds like it's okay after all.  I'll probably go and see it if it's good, rather than refuse to on principal.  I'm hoping it's an entirely new movie to be honest.

Still, shame they couldn't let romero do one...


While you're waiting for the Dawn remake, go and see Zatoichi.

Beat Takeshi!  Blind samurai action!  Blood flying everywhere!  Geisha ladyboy assassins!  A big Japanese Riverdance dance number at the end!


A big Japanese Riverdance dance number

I don't always get Gordon's sense of humour - is this for real?