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Prog 1382 Bad Cover

Started by test 4 echo, 22 March, 2004, 02:26:29 PM

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test 4 echo


need more coffee before this gets opened.

Mr D

And here it is.....
Yes, that means my sub came - thanks to those lovely people.

I don't mind this cover actually. Review to follow">


Gah.  It's not the best, is it?









Normally I defnd Durham red, but this weeks contains some rather shonky drawing IMO which is a shame, I'm normally a fan of the Harrison droid.

Sin/Dex Wow, I was just a little shocked by that.  Kudos to Dabnett for not taking a cop-out ending and portraying gun-sharks as they are, hired killers with few morals.

Rest of prog OK (pushed for time - should be working)


The way these covers come about.

Tharg - So, what've we got in the pipeline for that issue?...Hmmm, it's a new series of Durham Red...didn't they do a photo thingie in the megazine a while back?  Oh yes, here we go...gosh, she's quite good-looking, isn't she...for a human female, anyway...and all that tight leather...and rubber...and other fetishy stuff...all clings to her so tightly...hmmmm..."Hello, is that Mad Mick's Photo Emporium?  Yes, Tharg here...yes...we'd like to do another of those sexy vampire shoots...I don't suppose that-...Oh, so it would be OK for me to come along and...hmmm...advise on the costume?  Could I bring my own camera?...hmmm...Great...see you there, then!"  BURT!  I'm...going out...and I may be some time...


That photoshoot would make a great prize for a competition...


Mr D

Ok, as promised:

Nice opener. Very nice indeed. Though I have to say - have they STILL not understood that Dredd is ALWAYS right. I'd like to see Rico and Giant going along with him, at least. And this could be a great strip. The first few dialogueless pages rocked too. Am I the only one who thinks Dredd being a bit blackmailish with Hershey should be overlooked? I am? Oh.

My mind is firmly made up on Sin/Dex after this: I like it. I expected a totally different ending, but this worked perfectly! Great stuff in my opinion. I'll be scanning this in next, as I archive simply because I liked it! Nice. Oh, and I like the fact that this new employer is pretty dodgy.... Wonder what he's up to? Looking forward to finding out.

Rogue Trooper:
Yers.... Very nice art with the corpses and all, very stylish. And I'm liking this a lot..... Bit suspect that we haven't seen that War Marshall yet. And that  Arkhan seems a bit suspicious too. Hm. Time will tell. Don't like that 'contact' either. And the talking equipment is pissing me off already, and it's my first Rogue strip!!! They seem pretty dumb and prejudiced and just.... lame!

Erm... Well, it was ok. But I have to say, now it's over, I don't like it as much. Looking back, it felt a bit out of place in 2000AD, with it's stupid looking ladies and popcorn plot. Lot of potential, but a little clumsily handled. Still, not bad. I liked some of the art, and I thought the last bit was ok. Not hilarious, but it made me smile.

Durham Red:
I'm a Red fan, but I agree - art here was wonky (especially at first) and not a patch on the last book until the last few pages. I could attribute that to it being a 'fantasy' sequence at first, but I'm not convincing even myself. Bleaugh. Still, nasty vampiric bitch shoots shit up in tight costume... You can't go far wrong! I look forward to this 'final confrontation' too.

Droid Life:
No Droid Life!!! Again! What's that about??? Can't competitons be moved somewhere else? Or DL moved? Or SOMETHING! I like it!

Nerve Centre Generally:
Hurrah! Gone is the blue on blue cruddiness! All hail the white and black on red style! Tharg makes good points about Valkyries too.

And it is a great competition..


"have they STILL not understood that Dredd is ALWAYS right."

Ahh, but is he this time?  Find out the thrilling truth in later episodes, earthlets!

"I'd like to see Rico and Giant going along with him, at least."

Find out who's in Dredd's super-duper suicide mission rescue squad next episode, earthlets!

Oh and is it me, or does Durham Red seem to be turning into Hannah Chapter in that last page?

Mr D

Lol - THAT'S who she reminded me of!!

Jared Katooie

I am ashamed to read 2000ad.

That cover...

The Enigmatic Dr X

Maybe that's why subscription copies come in plain envelopes?
Lock up your spoons!


Ha yes why hire artists when a monkey with a digital camera is soooo much cheaper. They probably took enough snaps to fill an Argos catalogue, so we can look fotward to many many more ....'arty' covers.
Makes ya proud.

The Monarch

I Call it crap...god honestly why subject us to another photo cover when the original red one was totally derided?

Jared Katooie

Apparently, it sells.

Anyway I think Rufus should have done the cover 'cause I've decided to make him my new bestest friend (cause he too hates photo covers).




Having initially enjoyed Valkyries (hey, nowt wrong with a bit of Norse norkage) I have to express a little disappointment with the denouement.  Exploding spaceship that only kills the bad guys? Puh-leeze... With Ragnarok now imminent and a few plot strands to tie up, it looks like we'll most likely be getting more of this.  In which case, please guys, artists and scripters, take a bit more time to get it just that little bit better.