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Prog 1382 Bad Cover

Started by test 4 echo, 22 March, 2004, 02:26:29 PM

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The Klingons in Star Trek: TOS (before they suddenly became honourable space samurai warriors like Warf) were basically evil barbaric Cold War Russians, so it's no surprise that the movie guys gave them the ST version of a Siberian gulag camp.

It's a lot shorter a jump from real Russian gulags to Dredd universe Sov gulags than it is from Star Trek to Dredd.

Real life and history; still the best source of story ideas ever invented.


Dredd: bloody great - though the dialogue between Dredd and Hershey didn't quite ring true for me, it's difficult to see how it could've been written any other way.  And I did like Hershey's blackmail/Long Walk speech.

Valks - it took me two goes to work out what happened, I didn't care anyway.  Don't let the door hit your behind on the way out, eh?

Red - it was late, I was tired, and our sitting room only has a 40-watt bulb, so I have no idea what was going on in the art apart from Red and godolkin looking like badly-posed Barbie dolls.  Space opera plot seemed just fine, though.

Sin/Dex - hah, my feelings from last week (see 2000adreview...if you care) are borne out.  She's SOOO not dead, though.  Grim and gritty Sin/Dex, with extra ongoing plot - more please!

Rogue - meh.  OK, I guess.  Actually, without the prog in front of me, I'm having difficulty remembering what happened - not a great sign.

NO P14!!!  Is the little guy OK?

Tharg either had a bulging sack of mail he had to come up with some argument against, or very much less complaints than he wanted so he put up this flimsily spurious "argument" in order to get everyone to write in and tell him why he's wrong.

Overall...on the SUCKy side of still being a ROCKing good time.


Yeah Gordon, I had a feeling the Star Trek Gulag was second hand, and that I'd maybe even seen a similar thing to what Kirk went through in a movie, maybe even a documentary.  

Though the only documentary about communism and siberia I can remember off the top of my head is communism* killing one million of its proud sons and daughters building a canal.  Which is about the only reason I can think of to get annoyed about canals.  Give or take the several times I was attacked by evil black shiny insects on Birmingham's waterways.  Or people on bloody bikes using the footpaths.  But it's not on the same scale really is it?

Anyway, I'm not seriously trying to say the plot for Judge Dredd Gulag is lifted from Star Trek 6, Just as I suspect no-one is seriously saying it's lifted from Rambo II.

No, I'm looking forward to the rest, if there's something I hate more than a dirty Volg, it's probably a dirty Sov.

Didn't Britain lose some of our soldiers forever to the Soviets after WWII?  I'm sure I remember something like that?

*And no one pipe up to tell me it wasn't real communism you pinkos, it was real enough to enslave half a continent for 50 years.


no one pipe up to tell me it wasn't real communism you pinkos, it was real enough to enslave half a continent for 50 years.

Yeah - that would be one of the main reasons it wasn't real communism.

...Dudley the Pink


>>Which is about the only reason I can think of to get annoyed about canals.

Canals are great.  After all, what else are you supposed to do with all those broken prams, used matresses, stolen supermarket trolleys and traffic cones after you're finished playing with them?


"Real" Communism is actually quite an admirable thing. Unfortunately its an idealise completely fictional concept that doesn?t really work outside of anybodies head.


That's what happens when you try and turn a fantasy into a reality.  It's a great cop out for far lefties, many of whom fervantly supported communist states when they were flourishing (not that they ever really were, except on a military level).  

I never heard anyone (and I knew one communist family during the eighties, and there were quite a few communists in my village) complain it wasn't 'real' communism till the soviet union ended and we started to get some more accurate stories of the perversions that resulted from trying to create this fabulous society.

Suddenly it's all 'ah... but that wasn't REAL communism'.  Yeah, right, keep away from me you nutbags, you keep your imaginary communism imaginary and don't try and implement it in my back garden, or I'll get me shotgun out.

Death to Volgs.


So how come 1382 got all this attention, while 1381 couldn't compete with a crisps thread?  Could it possibly be that without a nasty cover to tear apart, we flounder in apathy?


Be fair "the free market" is a load of bollocks as well.


Cursed Newport Pagnell newsagents havnae got my prog. I personally reckon they took it off the racks because the cover may cause offence to little kiddies...



Communists grand dad was pals with Tito, but that's another story.
 Anyone remember a great B+W WW2 film about escaped prisoners and as they are recaptured they're crucified by the Camp Commandant.
Called 13 Crosse or something, really good. My grand dad made me watch while explaining syndacist v socialist theories to my eight year old self.


"my grand dad was pals with Tito, but that's another story. "

Ah c'mon, you can't just leave it at that...


Umm..I could. My GD was Ron Hayward, general secretary of the Labour Party, diehard Trade unionist type. Red Flag at Funeral. Tony Benn,s my mum's godfather.
 GD was very pally with many eastern european hardliners and often visited them, much to the dismay of his party.
Tony Benn and him championed ANC in 60s, back when they were terrorists.
I have the most Lefty family outside of Lenin's I think.
Politics was the ONLY discussion in our house, a subject I still shy away from, bar the occasional inciting or imflammatory retoric!


Yeah, but last weeks prog didn't have any "did he or didn't he kill?" questions, or any "which film does this remind you of" issues, or any questioning of political ideals/realisms.
Better set your phaser to stun.
