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Started by Shewrog, 25 March, 2004, 05:11:19 PM

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HHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM (sound effect indicates deep contemplation)

I was just wondering if any of you well-informed guys and girls out there have seen Cypher? I loved Cube and am contemplating a new DVD purchase but at ?20 (ouch) it ain't cheap.

Cheers !


DDT did a job on me




Yeah, it's quite good - an industrial spy thriller, good performances by both leads, very nice cinematography and production design (everything's cool and clinical, lots of clean lines), twisty little plot. Don't expect CUBE (or its poor sequel, HYPERCUBE) - but it's worth two hours of yer time. Recommend you rent it first tho' as ?20 is a bit of a leap of faith...



Well I really liked it, but it?s a bit like a feature length episode of Alais 9as at leats one review has said) and not really worth ?20. Rent it.

Generally Contrary

Cube 2 - Hypercube.  

My god.  That was awful.

Eric Plumrose

Rather enjoyed Cypher despite the sly G.K. Chesterton ref giving the twist away two minutes into the film.
Not sure if pervert or cheesecake expert.