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Prog 1383

Started by opaque, 27 March, 2004, 02:21:52 AM

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Mr D

Ok, here's mine:

Dredd - Very great indeed. Wouldn't be surprised if Rico stows away and ends up having to save their bacon. Nice team assembled indeed, looking forward to seeing this pan out. Art was good, except on Karyn who looked a little plain/chubby faced.

Sin/Dex - I like. Very nice, fast paced episode. Art was good, and I can't stop loving the 'skin it' thing that he does. Nice little episode, though it was obviously gonna go wrong...!!

Rogue - Very good. If this is Lamr Rogue, I doubt I could have taken the full thrill-powered version. Overloaded me so it would. Art is, again, wonderful and I'm, again, impressed by odd little touches. Story is progressing nicely. Didn't quite see that coming, and no idea what's gonna happen!!

Bec And Kawl - Well I like it! Need some help though. It's obvious who most are - Sandman, Puck, Harry Potter, Constantine.... Who's the eejit on the end though??

Durham Red - Art's back to it's usual high standards (thank god!) and I have to, once again, say I quite like this. It isn't something that's changed my life, but it's better than another part of Valkyries, which to be honest I loathe having read it back.

P14 - You go droid!

Input - Hurrah! I'm in print and that. And I've got a zarjaz set of postcards :-)
Congrats to Floyd and Dave too!


Dribbles - the eejit on the end was Slough Feg - an old nemesis of Sl?ine - last seen in (IIRC) The Horned God. Feg was the 'old' Horned God, Sl?ine was to become the 'new' Horned God. Conflict leads to much hacking and slaying.
Better set your phaser to stun.


Slough Feg was THE MAN!!!

(till he had his nads speared off by Slaine...heh heh heh)


Dredd: How much fun is Grennie having here? This is such an 'old skool' romp! Bet the general in the wheelchair is a relly of Orloks.

Bec & Kawl: I thought the Satyr was the Trainer in the disney version of Hercules! Am I wrong?

Bolt-01, back from Hols and a letter in the Prog! Hoo Ya!

And P14 was a lovely touch.



Wil GR Kill off Giant??  He did just do a couple of Giant stories in the Meg which could be his fairwell tribute?  But my guess is that amoungst the (probably inevitable) casualties we will say goodbye to tache-man Guthie and a couple of the ones that were introduced in the story.


I'm hoping the oldster in the team is call Proudhuff or Proudfoot or Huffsta...

No-reason Huff
DDT did a job on me


Am I the only one who thinks the Sov at the end bears a resemblance to a certain script droid?

OK, just me then!!


Hooray! P14 deserved it!
What a thrill-powered page number!

Otherwise, this is a pretty good prog.

Dredd's still exciting stuff. It's building nicely.
I wish I'd posted last week that I was expecting Ocks (or Kwan) to turn up.

It's a good mix of cannon fodder and actual characters for the new Apocalypse Squad. It's just a shame that - after the way Anderson turned up the last time - Dredd didn't think to request a Psi for the mission. The doofus!

The cloned Sov's interesting, too. Who's his dad? My money's on Kazan.

I also found SinDex a reasonable diversion.
If it was a comic on its own, I wouldn't buy it, but as part of an anthology it's okay.

There's been an improvement for Rogue Trooper, which seems to involve betrayal heaped on betrayal.
The twist at the end actually surprised me, which is damn good going.
I thought a Rogue Trooper story would never surprise me again.

I'm pleased to see Bec and Kawl back.
It's lightweight stuff, but the art's nice and it's good to have a pisstake comedy strip in the prog.
I know Ellis the Vertigo thing before, but this is more cartoony and fun.

Finally, I actually read Durham Red despite not really wanting to.
It's less shit, mainly because it's all buildup to the final (definitely final, final, final this time, I hope) conflict.

Let's have fun with Maguffin spotting:
Time rift: Can she go home now?
Durham Fred: Shows affection for mum. He's going to die, isn't he?

Anyway, I hate it less.

Overall, a decent comic, with Mr Dribbles making an excellent request on the letters page.

Hooray for Dribbles and for P14!

- Trout


Been age since I last posted anything but here is my tuppence worth of opinions on 1383:

Dredd: Really enjoying this so far its got a great 'men on mission' vibe that gives the story a classic feeling. The art is nice and clean and a bit more flashy than Adlard usual work.

Sin/Dex: Nice straight forward story clean artwork, overall Sin/Dex is still going strong in my opinion.

Rogue Trooper: The story is chugging on nicely but the art, considering it is black and white laks a little detail (too many blank backgrounds and headshots for my liking). But the overall package is still an enjoyable one.

Bec&Kawl: Welcome back! A real stand out in the prog for me, witty script and BEAUTIFUL art from Steve Roberts, it's full of detail and humour (the colouring is quality too).

Durham Red: This has a nice epic feel about it with a good large scale story and suitably widescreen art.

Overall a top prog that is so varied in it's content and art styles it looks a bit like an issue of Heavy Metal:) Long may it continue!



Just read this last night so here goes...
Dredd : Really starting to get into this.It reminded me of old Star Trek i.e.bringing in new expendable characters

Sin/Dex:Starting to warm to this too.Havent liked it before but I think the great art is drawing me in,I'm a sucker for futuristic street scenes.

Rogue:Lovin the story & the art.Old skool.

Bec&Kawl:Didnt like this before but this one seems to be good fun.

Red:I read it but dont get it.Arts too dark for my liking.

Finally a big up tae the wee man,P14

Good prog that could've been great.
Hmm, just pretend I wrote something witty eh?


Dredd and Rogue both okay.  Cliff-hanger on Dredd was the best bit.  Rogue Trooper, just sort of read it really.

I fear Durham Red is setting up to send her back in time to the Strontium Dog timeline and/or give her the chance to escape to other adventures.  If only I could believe the tagline 'time to die'.

P14, yeah, a page number that's generally given the prog a lot more life and personality than many of the strips.  A quarter page strip about the inner workings of the Nerve Centre has been a real bright spot after an okay start.

Take the rest away, I've lost my appetite...


On the subject of P14, do take a look at [ahem] my interview with Cat Sullivan over at there's a slightly unexpected reaction to the news of the little dude's new page number...

Link:" target="_blank">2000AD Review


Good interview Duds, yeah I was very suprised by that!
Better set your phaser to stun.


Cover - Like Chris Weston's art, but this brings back memories of the bad old '90's.
Dredd - still like it, solid stuff.
Sin/Dex - Don't care for it or the characters.
Rogue - Plodding along in an ok but uninspiring way, it really is a mistake to carry on with once great character.
Bec&Kawl - I've read a few of these and they've all done nothing much for me, this one is not exception.
Durham Red - Dull, confused, plodding and pointless, great to see it's consistant though.
I'm just killing time until prog 1387 really.


GO P-14!!!  YOU RULE!!!  YOU DA MAN!!!   WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dredd - karyn looks like she's twelve years old, dredd looks a bit too cartoony, but i'm warming to the story.  time will tell.

SinDex - seems a bit odd, that they would let him go off on his own so soon after what happened last week, maybe a way for kal to prove himself.  yah!  more andy clark artwork!  yah!

RT - am starting to enjoy it, am glad he killed that bitch, good ending, look forward to next week.

Bec&Kawl - WOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  THEY'RE BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  Has beccy had a haircut?  anyway, much humour and taking of piss.  i'm happy

Red - much better.  the art was stunning.  red's costume is bordering on silly, but still...  mother/son bonding - one of them is going to die, really die and i don't think it'll be the main star...  is it just me or is every part ending the same way.  the offsprings coming for really...he's definatly coming this time...

Input - go floyd, go dribbes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!