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Aleart! Sad bugger aleart!

Started by JTurner, 08 March, 2002, 06:05:48 PM

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Okay, some people will call me sad, but after being intrigued by Atavar (it looks OK in a Shakara sort of way) that I spent an hour seeing if the alien speech could be translated.

It's written in the 'Symbol' font, but direct font change, or shuffling corresponding letters doesn't work. I even tried the percentage-of-letters formula (the classic codebreaking technique) cross referencing the Atavar dialogue with a sample from Sin Dex, but there wasn't enough sample Atavar dialogue.

God, I'm such an anorak.

Does anyone out there know if the text actually means anything? I think it does, I'm sure I managed to pick out the vowels....

Jacob off to his Klingon lessons.


I had thought it was just using the Greek alphabet, but hadn't got around to checking it out properly.



It's just a microsoft font. I supose it was chosen for it's look, but the Omega is used (I think) as a vowel, as are other symbols. I wonder whether Mr Abnett is sending out coded messages.


yes. the aliens are saying "oi, you there, stop playing with yerself" and "dirty sod. look at the mess" etc


The first alien is defintely saying "Every sperm is sacred"



Sad bugger, indeed.

I can't (couldn't) spell alert!