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10th anniversary of kurt kobains death

Started by stront692, 31 March, 2004, 10:53:30 AM

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yep yesterday(as its early morning) was the 10th anniversary of kurt kobains death

its hard to imgine what hed be doing now really, if he were still here...


MTV (or MTV2?) has been running trailers for an 'RIP Kurt' Week. Maybe he could rest in peace if soul-less megacorps like MTV didn't keeping pimping his memory...?


Matt Timson

10 years already?  That went pretty quick...


If he was still here...probably be pretty mouldy, and the carpet would've been unsalvageable.

W. R. Logan

Not that I wish a violent death on anyone but at least the shotgun shut him up and stopped him making any more 'music'.

La Placa Rifa,
W. R. Logan.


Yeah in our day Rock stars did proper stuff like OD, choke on yer own vomit and stab yer girly.


had an ex that was so into this guy, anyone make a crack about him after his death and she would fly off the handle going mental at the person then at me for not sticking up for her(usually be some big bikey type bloke, i'm 5'11 but only weigh 63kg). If he was still around today I'm sure he would've f#%ked off that looser missus he had, Courtney(never in a million years)Love.

CU Krestel

Mr D

He had a decent bit of talent, bitched about a load of stuff he could have easily changed and then killed himself.

'What a prat' generally sums up my opinion of him. I do like Nirvana though.

Slippery PD

There is a rumour that Liam Gallagher once said that Cobain was a "sad pathetic twat that couldnt handle fame" when he was confonted about it by Evan Dando he said "at least hes not a sad pathetic talentless twat that couldnt handle fame".  

I think this kinda sums it up for me.  He had everything that most people strive for, a Talent and bewing rewarded for said talent and then he threw it away.....  

Any lifes a waste really....

Yer Slips


I think the lessons Kurt taught us is that self-medicating a chronic stomach problem with heroin is probably not a good idea, nor is getting hitched up with a greedy psycho-girlfriend everyone else hates (see also Sid Vicious) and you really want to avoid mixing untreated depression with a gun fixation


And yet Courtney Love still walks the earth...


I think he'd probably still be shooting up on heroin with an impending overdose, Stront.

Yes, TSO, but who's dead and who isn't?


If Kurt hadn't shuffled off this mortal coil then i wouldn't get to feel superior toward and tut at kids in the street who wear Nivana t-shirts even though they were about 6 at the time of his death.

Get one of your own idols to top him/herself; Kurt's ours.
"Trust we"


He made good music.  Not too worried about the other stuff - I didn't know the bloke personally, after all.  But it was a shame he didn't get to make another album, particularly with the new directions he looked to be exploring.

Mr D

Yeah, I'd have liked to have seen where he took his music.