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chat crashed??

Started by stront692, 13 April, 2004, 08:34:22 AM

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well chat crashed again, well will have to go - would love to stay but not really possible at the mo

max and chris, we will pick it up where we left off tomorrow


Max Kon

sure. Tried to come back. but the message board is a bit slow too. If you have anything to ask me just email me. I'll get it within 3 mins if my comp is on. I would have started this thread if it haden't taken so long to load the board.


Yeah it crashed the other day too - either the site or my computer - 'pologies to Cybermax & Floyd for disappearing if it was just me.
Better set your phaser to stun.

Max Kon

i think it was all of us. happening alot v annoying.


couldnt get into the site tonight, will mail u tomorrow

Max Kon

Max Kon

Sorry to Floyd and Krestlal that i dissapeared but the chat crashed and thought i tried to reconnect I gave uo cause i went to bed.