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Gibbons' Dredd.

Started by Dunk!, 28 April, 2004, 09:15:01 PM

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Starring at the latest prog on my desk a thought occurred to me about the cover artist.

Has Dave Gibbons every actually drawn Dredd as a strip in 2000ad?

I've been getting 2000ad since very early on, and also slavishly went through all the old Quality reprints, yet no episode springs to mind.

On the same note is there any artist of worth that 2000ad has nurtured who has managed to move on to pastures new without giving old Stoney-face a go?

My memory says not, but I?d love to know.
"Trust we"

Byron Virgo

He inked some of Bolland's stuff for the preamble to the Day The Law Died Chief Judge Cal stuff (these were the episodes about Dredd being framed by a robot double on the orders of Cal - prog 87, I think).

he also drew the episode about the mob blitzers, who are trying to kill a gangster called Lips (just a head on a motorised trolley) who Dredd is escorting back from the Moon to get a new body and testify against the mob in prog 130.


Gibbons on Dredd, according to his profile, does include the inking mentioned above, but his only other Dredd credit is Dredd and the Mob Blitzers from prog 130.

Hey, his listing also includes some brilliant Future Shocks, like The Tidy-Up Droid.
I know it's the wrong thread, but wasn't that one great?

- Trout


...Gibbons style really hasnt changed much in 20 years has it...


If it ain't broke...


Richmond Clements

...Gibbons style really hasnt changed much in 20 years has it...

I was thinking that too. But as JamieB said...
Just look at his work on Harlem Heroes. It's easily the best thing in the early progs. And he has maintained that standard for thirty bloody years!


Picked up the Panini Doctor Who GN recently and saw it as a chance to have a look at early Gibbons' art; maybe learn a thing or two...

Nah not really, already a fantastic draughtsman back then and has only got slicker.

Going to have to delve deeper to find his awkward early work with all that potential.
"Trust we"

W. R. Logan>>Dave Gibbons Fan Site

How a cover should be, not a bit of wasted space.>

and two covers he may want to forget 8-)>>

La Placa Rifa,>W. R. Logan.>>>>>>>>>>>>>


I'll scan the Mob blitzer art next week and put it in the original art section, it's beautiful!

Richmond Clements

Young Percy looks positively loaded with Thrill Power!">


He also did illustrations for the text stories in the early Dredd annuals, namely Mad Tooth's Run, Desperadoes Of The Cursed Earth and A Day In The Death Of Joe Meg.


Hmmm...Rac.  Just as Dave Gibbons was Big E, maybe Percy was the original inspiration for big JD?  Imagine him with a helmet on, you know I'm right.  That chin, I mean c'mon.

Actually who was Percy (and Billy and Sam)?

Richmond Clements

I'd love you to be right Ming!
But I reckon that if he was a judge, he'd be an accountant. Maybe he's the inspiration for Judge Winslow?

Mr C

Wonder if he uses himself as a model like Boris Vallejo? What with his superheoic physique and all.


He's a brilliant artist. One of my favourites.

But he has *NEVER* got Dredd's helmet right.
Be excellent to each other. And party on!