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Started by JamieB, 28 April, 2004, 11:44:39 PM

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What I've been promising all this time!


Link:" target="_blank">THE NEWS


Hah... and Jamie posts this just as i'm typing out the other thread!

Sorry Jamie :)



Better set your phaser to stun.


Just realised what this means: More Garth Ennis Dredd reprints!! AIIIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!
Better set your phaser to stun.

El Spurioso

I think we should all just stop beating around the bush, being polite, pretending we're excited, blah-blah.  SOMEONE has to summon the courage to ask the question everyone's *dying* to ask, so... *haaahhh* I suppose it must be me:

When does Lobster Random go stateside, then?


?We?ve no plans to go in and color any of the material that was originally presented in black and white ? we don?t want to change the original vision,? - that's good to know.
Better set your phaser to stun.

The Amstor Computer

Great news, Jamie - congratulations to you & everyone else involved!

Any idea of what stories are going to make the cut for these volumes? The Sin/Dex, Devlin Waugh & Dante volumes sound like they're going to be compilations, and I'd love to know what's planned.


"More Garth Ennis Dredd reprints!!"

***BZZT*** wrong!

(Except for Judgment Day, but that's been OP for a dog's age, and has Alpha in it, so NERRR).



I'll be in touch, Si :)



Sorry, I feel like I'm hogging this thread!

Does a DC/Rebellion team up mean there's a loophole in the 'Exclusive' deals that keep Jock, Diggle & Carey away from 2000AD?
Better set your phaser to stun.


SinDex is a bit complicated to easily list, but runs up to the end of GUNSHARK VACATION; Dante's everything to MOSCOW DUELLISTS, inclusive; and DW contains Swimming in Blood, Brief Encounter, Fetish & Mouthful of Dust, plus the two text stories. And some making-of stuff, because we found John's original treatment t'other day ("Dirk Devlin"!)



Simple answer: I dunno. It's something I'll be discussing with DC a little ways down the line; for now, I have books to produce. Many, many books. MANY books. SO MANY BOOOOOOOOKSSSSSSS *Bursts into tears*


The Amstor Computer

Wow! Those are some pretty hefty volumes - I take it you're going for complete, if varied art-wise?

Anyway, without getting too arschlicken, congratulations again - you're doing a fucking great job.


I must say thta soundslike an excellent deal for all parties involved. DC's marketing power will really help push 2K in the US.
Remember - dry hair is for squids


Dagnabbit but that's great news indeed. Of the list of books I'll be picking up pretty much all of them. But I'll be most pleased to pick up Verdus. It's one of the greats and good to see something so early in amongst the list of available books. Naturally the recent stuff is bound to be highest up the list, what with the big names and all colour stuff but to see John Wagner and Ian Gibsons greatest collaboration in amongst them is just great.

If at all possible see if Ian would contribute something to the book, an intro perhaps. He was really interesting when talking about it at the can, could mention specific changes he'd made to Johns script, and seemed enthusiatic. I bet he'd be up for it.