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Let's live life on the edge...

Started by DavidXBrunt, 03 May, 2004, 01:30:57 AM

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If we all join in he'll never be able to  track us all down and kill us. So let's write a round robin Pat Mills Fan Fic.

Part One - Slaine converts to Christianity -
Once upon a time Slaine Mac Roth converted to Christianity.

To Be Continued...


"This battle-beak will nest in your chest!" he howled, slaying a hundred thousand Fomorians who he thought almost too many but not quite. At that moment he stumbled across a small paper pamphlet crafted by the dark El Jack T Chick...
Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Queen Firey-Bou

not being able to read the text which was writen in the new manner, he felt he better take it to the arch druidess laydee. plus he fancied a shag since it had been a while since niamh had run off with the skinny punk dude & fiened her own death....


Slaine had been lodging with a friend of his since Niamh left him, at first living with a gay Christian English tory had seemed to go against the grain, but he had to admit that they had enjoyed many hijinks and wacky adventures. How could he forget that time when the vicar had come round for tea and caught him having a warp spasm which  quite ruined the scones. Thankfully Terry had been forgiving.


Slaine and Terry now lived in a small farmhouse a long way from smelly old Ireland.  The boys were happy in their shared rural bliss, only journeying to town to stock up on milk and plenty of eggs for their quiche.

Queen Firey-Bou

but little did they know that their rural bliss was soon to be destroyed by a warp in the space time continuity continuum, Slain MacRoth had seen many a sight & founght many a battle, but never did he expect to meet a slathering one-eyed angry tyrannosaurous she-beast at the local corner shop !....


"Oh funk!" exclaimed Slaine in abject terror, as he voided dark matter into his loincloth.

"I must hide from the Time Monster! Everyone thinks I killed one before, but it was just some sub-standard CGI!

"Never must they discover I am an overblown and under-dressed coward!

"Now give Pat some money."

- Trout


Slaine grabbed an Organic quiche from the shops eco friendly fridge department. Terrys parents were coming around that night to explain the countyryside friendly activity of fox hunting and Slianes own quiche never rised as well as he hoped. All he had to do was get past the beast, get home, slip the quiche onto a baking tray and pretend it was his own creation.
 It was the 3rd time he had deceived Terry about his domestic abilities, but he didn;t think it too many.


Suddenly, a friendly face appeared in the doorway.  It was Mr Nemesis, the headmaster of the local school.

Since he'd discovered his Oil of Ulay facial care regime, Mr Nemesis had got rid of the old skin problem, and was booked in for plastic surgery in a few months' time in order to help him "fit in better with society".  

Mr Nemesis had a reputation as something of a stickler for rules, but under his firm hand many boys and girls had learnt the credo of honesty, patriotism, and social conscience.


Mr Nemesis smiled inwardly at the thought of youmg William Savage, when he first came to the school on an assisted places scheme his rough pearly king manner and casual racism had been hard to deal with, however with time and care he had blossomed.
 THat morning he'ld received a letter from William explaining how he was running a trainer factory in the third world with his life partner Karl a Volgan gypsie with a love of musical theatre.
 Nemesis saw it as another success for the public school/oxbridge system.


Mr Nemesis had come to accept Slaine's invite to their planned cocktail party blowout and assure him that it would be a rollicking night of fun provided that his good friend Tomas de Toquemada, the local baker, would be able to attend.


At the party, a long conversation took place about nothing very much.

It became the basis of a three-book, 30-part comics series entitled "Dull Talking Heads."

Occasionaly, someone waved a sword, but, among the main characters, only the women died.

- Trout

The Monarch

Fearing for the mortality of her fellow female companions, A miss purity brown tries to run away from the plot thus far depicted and ends up being run over by a bizarre contraption which appeared to be the same shape as mr nemesises head.

Queen Firey-Bou

this event went largely unnoticed, although slaine was about to launch into a nice cherry fueled speech about revenge & destiny.. this was interupted by the arrival of gatecrashers the ABC warriors a local robot bike gang. The guest were most disgruntled at this untimely turn of events, but secretly most of them were a little thrilled by the idea of these rough hoodlums, especially that joe, there were rumours about him.

Terry got all jealous when Slaine started making eyes at Hammerstein & stormed off in a huff.

Max Kon

slain ran after terry and managed to stop the bathroom door with his foot before it was loked. Slain steped in and Terry locked the door.